11 Best Remedies to Remove Pimples in Two Days

how to remove pimples

This article is based on how to remove pimples naturally and permanently within the week.

We girls have a lot of problems to worry upon: social, emotional and physical. Social and emotional are still a task to handle; but when it comes to the physical part, we sure have the swarming alarms rising fastly!

If all the other problems are manageable, then while solving those, an awful tragedy happens to many: protruding pimples on the face! and the cause being the stress of solving those “other” problems! Duhh! and what it leads to? More stress.

Take a deep breath and think: is this trouble really worth your time and panic? NO.

Everyone desire clear and flawless skin. And you desire it too right? and its no harm wanting that!

So here, to help you overcome this unsolved and ever-growing tragedy of life, we will discuss the measures to remove pimples naturally off your face as soon as possible. Don’t panic; pimples are quite natural; everyone has it at some point or the other in life. If you are facing freckles on your face, check this. Don’t lower your smile or be depressed if you have these marks. Pimples are mainly caused due to the dust and oil glands of our skin and the everlasting Stress element of course!

remove pimples

Source: http://bit.ly/1MGNbG4

You can follow some easy and effective tips and remedies to remove pimples naturally and permanently easily and quickly without any mess.Before going to the procedure, follow these few basic rules to avoid pimples in just 2 days:

  • Drink water as much as you can.
  • Wash your face at least 10 times a day. Always remember to wash your face as soon as you enter your house.
  • Try to cover your face if you are in direct contact of sun and dirt.

Now let’s just look at the solutions to remove those awful pimples. Below are some homemade tips and remedies to remove pimples naturally which are very effective. It will roll down the fastest results.

 1. THE LEMON AND HONEY REMEDY: Lemon and honey team up to be the best combination together for skin diseases. They not only works for pimples but also for allergies and other skin diseases. It speed up the heeling process of pimples to give you faster results.

pimples remedies

Source: http://bit.ly/20vEfqZ

Lemon and honey both contain antibacterial properties which help to fight against the bacteria causing pimples.

So, follow these steps to see the desired results:

  • Take a fresh lemon and cut it into half.
  • Squeeze it to apply the lemon juice on the affected area and let it be dry.
  • Now take some honey and put it on affected area and leave it for an hour or so.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water and see the difference.


2. BABY POWDER AND ALOE VERA REMEDY: You heard it right. Baby powder is a good source to dry up the pimples. Follow these simple steps and see the results.

  • Firstly, wash your face and pet your face dry.
  • Now apply baby powder on the affected area and leave it for about 30 minutes.
  • Wash your face and then rub Aloe Vera on your face and let it be dry.
  • Wash your face again and see the difference.

TIP: This mixture will definitely help you gain some more nutrients for your face when applied for a decent amount of time.

acne remedies

Source: http://bit.ly/1Po7w1x

TIP: If you have any kind of allergy from talc powder, use cornstarch instead of baby powder.

 3. CINNAMON AND HONEY MASK: This is one of the effective remedies to remove pimples naturally and permanently with in two days.

    • Firstly, make a paste of cinnamon and honey.
    • Now wash your face and pet it dry.
    • Apply mixture of cinnamon and honey on your face now.
    • Leave it overnight or as long as you can.
    • Wash your face the next day and see the magic.

home remedies for pimples

Source: https://s-media-catch

TIP: For the best results, use this mask overnight.

4. ICE CUBES FOR FAST RESULTS: Another effective remedies to remove pimples naturally and permanently is applying ice cubes. For instant results to fuse your pimples, you can use ice cubes. Here is how:

    • First, take an ice cube and wrap it in a soft cloth.
    • Now, apply it all over your pimples and leave it for some time.
    • See the results instantly.



Source: http://bit.ly/1kcd981


5. APPLY A PINCH OF TOOTHPASTE ON PIMPLES: It is the most easy and quite effective way to get rid of those ugly dots. If you don’t want to do any hard work and wants to avoid the mess, you should try this once:

  • Wash your face clean.
  • Take small amount of white toothpaste and apply it on your pimples.
  • Now the easiest and loved step: Go to bed and sleep well.
  • Next morning, your pimple will get dry.

remove pimples naturally

Source: http://bit.ly/1Htvd23

6. BASIL LEAVES EXTRACT LIQUID: Liquid extract from basil leaves is another effective weapon to remove pimples.

  • Take some basil leaves and dip them in hot water for around 20 minutes.
  • Before going to bed, wash your face and apply this liquid on the affected are of your face using a cotton ball.
  • Leave it overnight and let it work.
  • Rinse in the morning and see the change.

Source: http://bit.ly/1HbK8Dj

7. ORANGE PEEL AND ORANGE JUICE: According to the doctors and dermatologist, Vitamin C and acidity present in an orange juice are the most effective elements to cure pimples.

  • Wash your face with lukewarm water and pet it dry.
  • Take some orange peels and gently rub it on your face
  • Now take a cotton ball and pour some orange juice over it.
  • Let it be dry for some time and wash it.


Source: http://bit.ly/1l9fXmz

8. PAPAYA FOR PIMPLES: Papaya helps to remove dead skin and extra oil from the skin. It contains enzyme called papain which reduces inflammation. Here’s how to apply it:

  • Rinse your face firstly.
  • Mash some papaya to make it consistent and apply it to the skin.
  • Let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off.
  • If your skin is dry, apply moisturizer to hydrate it.


Source: http://bit.ly/1kcHi77

9. RUB BANANA PEEL ON SKIN: Bananas are good for health, as we all know. But do you realize the power hidden in the banana peels? They are very good source for skin. Let us see the method to use it:

  • Peel the banana and rub the peel on the skin in circular direction to avoid redness of the skin.
  • Keep that peel for around 30 minutes on your skin and then, wash it off.



Source: http://bit.ly/1RzbAeK

10. GARLIC PASTE: Garlic has a large amount of antibacterial property. Apply it every other day to see the fast results.

  • Take 2 -3 cloves of garlic and soak it in water for some hours.
  • Make a paste of it and apply it on the affected areas. (You can substitute it with the Aloe Vera gel)
  • Wash it after 20 minutes.


Source: http://bit.ly/1RYD9xT

11. FRESH LEMON JUICE: Lemon juice contains bleaching agents. It could be used to lighten your body color. So, if you are applying lemon juice, make sure it is of fresh lemon not a bottled one.

  • Take a cotton ball and put some lemon juice over it
  • Tap the ball on the pimples.
  • Let it be dry for some time.
  • Wash it and see the results.

acne treatment permanently

Source: http://bit.ly/1SsEDkK

Pimple is the worst thing that could happen quite often in your teens but remember, whenever you touch your face; make sure your hands are washed well as dust is main reason to form pimples. So, to summarize it, these are some easy and truly effective tips to remove acne and its marks too. Besides these techniques, yoga is also a very good way to keep your skin mark-free. Check here how to perform yoga.
If you are not a pimple-victim, then too, you can use these tips to make your skin clean and pure. Some tips to keep in mind: Try not to stick makeup for a longer period. Take your sleep for the prescribed hours. Avoid taking much stress and lastly, do not go for plenty of medications.

We hope these effective home remedies to remove pimples naturally and permanently help you a lot and instantly to remove all pimples. Get rid of those spots girls; because you really are worthy of all the beauty and praises in the world!
We would be more than happy to hear from you, do leave the feedbacks in the comment section below.