5 Natural Ways To Stay Healthy and Active


We’re all looking for ways to stay active, healthy, and in peak performance. It’s only natural that with time and age, our bodies change. 

Many medical experts note that even with aging, there are definite actions we can take to support health, reduce stress, and cultivate a happy life. 

Here are the top recommendations for staying healthy and active—naturally.

1. Get Moving and Keep Moving

Staying active is essential for a healthy body, mind, and performance. If it’s been a while since you got off the couch, don’t worry. A little activity will naturally lead to more. 

Most experts recommend starting with walking. Even just 30 minutes a day can help maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart, and healthy sex life. One Harvard study found that even 30 minutes of moderate walking a day was linked to a 41% drop in risk for erectile dysfunction (ED).

If 30 minutes seems like too much, experts suggest starting with what you can comfortably manage. Then, add a minute or two each day. In just a short time, you’ll be walking for 30 minutes a day. 

2. Eat Whole Foods

Eating well is entirely within reach for most Americans. You can find healthy choices by eating natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and fish. Many health recommendations include advice to reduce or eliminate eating red meat.

One quick way to eat more whole foods is to avoid buying packaged goods. Focus your shopping purchases in the produce section of the grocery store. Increase reliance on local and seasonal produce. With a little attention towards eating natural foods, you can boost your health.

3. Get Fit as a Fiddle

A classic saying is, “to be fit as a fiddle, you must tone the middle.” A trim waistline is not just ideal for athletes and models. Losing weight can help men reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. 

By focusing on midsection fitness, you can tone your body and support your health goals. 

Many people find that exercise regimes such as Pilates and Yoga assist with keeping abdominal strength and flexibility.

4. Maintain Heart Health

Having a healthy heart is key for getting and staying in shape. Experts advise keeping a close check on blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. By evaluating the data, you can determine your health status and make necessary lifestyle changes.

Many leading experts encourage people to be proactive about heart health. Preventative measures such as reducing stress, staying active, eating whole foods, and cultivating strong relationships contribute to maintaining a healthy heart.

5. Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle

Lifestyle is just that–it’s a way of living that evolves day to day. If you’re filling your days with unhealthy habits, this will take a toll on your fitness and health. For example, if you are drinking a lot of alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and eating junk food—it’s only a matter of time until you feel the results.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is something that can happen gradually and consistently. Many healthcare providers recommend starting with the habits that you are most able to address. For instance, if you want to make a healthy change, start by adopting a healthy diet. Organize your shopping to include more fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. Drink more water regularly. Ask your friends and family to support your lifestyle changes. 

As you get in the habit of making healthy choices, likely, you’ll naturally start to lose weight, have more energy, and feel more self-confident. With this renewed vigor, it is easier to address other aspects of your lifestyle such as smoking cigarettes.

You may also want to work with your healthcare provider to get biofeedback as well as advice on lifestyle adjustments. Now is a good time to prioritize your mental health as well as your physical health.

Erectile dysfunction causes can be a combination of physical and psychological factors. Studies show that even minor physical conditions can slow sexual response, causing anxiety about maintaining an erection. Additionally, psychological causes such as depression, stress, or relationship problems may contribute to ED.

Even if it seems embarrassing, experts advise having a candid and honest conversation with your doctor. You should feel comfortable talking with your medical provider to find the best pathways for a healthy and happy life.