Office Makeup Kit-Simple Everyday Work Makeup Tips

easy work makeup tips

How to get ready for the office every day is a dilemma for the ladies. Makeup is an essential part of the everyday office getting ready routine. But deciding how much makeup is good enough for an everyday work makeup look is a complicated task. Here we have listed down all the Office makeup kit essentials and how to do simple makeup for everyday, step-by-step.

Cleansing- Starting with a clean base is very important before you start applying everyday work makeup on your face. The cleanser should be the first thing in your office makeup kit. Cleansing will help in removing all the dirt, pollution, and oil from the face, making it very clean and radiant. Use a cleanser as per your skin type. If you have oily skin, choose a foam-based cleanser, and if your skin is dry, choose gel-based cleanser. In both, cases choose a mild cleanser. And wash the face using lukewarm water to clean the face thoroughly. You should clean your face using a cleanser at least twice.

Moisturizer – Moisturizer is a very important skincare product in office or party makeup kit. Moisturizer helps in nourishing the skin and getting back the moisture after cleansing routine. Just like the cleanser, there are different kinds of moisturizers for different skin types. It is best if you choose a moisturizer with SPF in it, it does no harm to take extra care of the skin.

BB cream over foundation- BB cream is the right choice when you have to do simple work makeup for every day. BB cream does the work of foundation and sunscreen. It provides enough coverage to give a flawless base, covering all the zits and spots on the face. You don’t necessarily need a sponge or a brush to apply BB cream. Use your fingers to apply it evenly all over the face.

Conceal ’em all the bad boys- We all have days when our skin is not looking the best. Some zit or pimple pops out of nowhere, or we pulled an all-nighter partying with friends and making us look like a homeless the next day. Worry not, it’s just a bad day, that’s why we have concealers. Concealer will do the trick of giving you a fresh and flawless skin. Use a cream-based concealer; apply it on the zit, sports, or dark circles, if any. Use a sponge or fingers to dab it with a light hand. You can also just get a concealer in your simple everyday work makeup kit instead of a foundation or BB cream if you think it’s too much work for you.

Time for rosy cheeks- Don’t you love the rosy cheeks giving a fresh and young look to the face. Use a neutral or natural color brush in the tones of peach or dusty rose and mauve, brown tones for a simple everyday work makeup look. If you think carrying a blush in your office makeup kit is too much, then use lipstick instead. Any natural color lipstick will work fine, apply it on the apples of your cheek, and blend properly.

 Time for the Eyes now-  Don’t go too heavy when doing eye makeup. Just eyeliner and kohl are enough. Swipe kohl on the lower lid and put a fine line of eyeliner on the upper lids. Apply a generous mascara coat to finish the look. If you are not a big fan of kohl, then you can use only Mascara. Curl your lashes and apply a good coat of mascara on upper and lower lashes. This will open up your eyes and make them look big and wide awake.

Don’t forget the brows- You should never skip the brows. Brows give definition to the face. Use an eyebrow pencil to fill all the gaps in your brows. Make gentle hair-like strokes to give a very natural eyebrow look. Makeup for work is all about looking natural using a few makeup products.

Do the lips- Outline the lips using lip liner and fill in with lipstick. Use the same color liner and lipstick. Use nude lipstick which suits your skin tone. Use can also apply gloss if you don’t want to apply lipstick.

Sources Easy EveryDay Makeup Look