All the tips you need to look fashionable in scrubs

nurse tshirts

Being a nurse is one of the noblest professions in the world. It brings great responsibilities as well. If you are graduating as a nurse soon or you are working as one already, you may be thinking about how you can look fashionable at work with so many responsibilities to deal with. This article will save you some time and effort.  

Eat healthily

Food plays a huge role when it comes to your looks. If your body is healthy inside it will definitely reflect on your face. When you work as a nurse you may not have time to pamper yourself every day. But eating healthy food is something that takes very little effort but gives remarkable results.

Try to incorporate fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. It may not seem promising but they can do wonders. Avoid greasy or surgery foods. Look for good fats like butter or coconut oil. Don’t forget to drink enough water.

These changes may not show results the next day but you’ll start to notice changes shortly. These changes are investments for healthy glowing skin. Who doesn’t want that?

Make a routine

In your hectic daily life don’t forget yourself. No matter how busy you are you need to take some time off for yourself. To make it easier, you can make a routine for yourself. For each day, divide 24 hours into each of your tasks. For instance, eight hours for sleep, eight hours for work, thirty minutes for exercise, 20 minutes for skin or hair care etcetera.

If it is still hard for you to get some time for yourself, then count each day as 23 hours and try to finish all your work in these 23 hours. This way you can get an hour to pamper yourself.

During this time try to exercise a bit, take care of your skin or relax in a spa. Because as we all know you look good when you feel good.

Get creative with your scrubs

If you consider scrubs as boring or don’t like to wear them, time to rethink. Though scrubs work as a uniform you still get the chance to make your personality shine through it. There are different ways you can make your scrubs classy and fashionable.

You can wear something else with your scrub tops if you want. Layer it with camisoles, jackets or T-shirts. T-Shirts can be a great option. T-Shirts can make your looks a bit more fun. Or you can wear nursing T-shirts on their own if you are allowed to. You can get great options for nurse t-shirts online.

If you don’t want the scrubs to be boring then you have to put some effort and choose the right color for you. Go to the store and hold different colors of scrubs against you. Take a close look and decide which one makes you look brighter. You can also go for your favorite color or colors you know work for you. Don’t choose flashy or neon colors though.

It’s ideal to avoid big or flashy prints. But if you really don’t want to wear solid colors, try to get the ones with smaller prints. You can also shuffle your tops and bottoms. This way you can go for bolder prints as well. For instance, you can wear a printed top with a solid color bottom that compliments the top.

Always pay attention to the fittings. Don’t get anything that’s too tight because you may have to move a lot. Wrap scrub tops are the most popular because they look good and feel comfortable.


It is said that doctors and nurses need to have legs like horses because they generally don’t get time to sit throughout their shift. The only thing that can make things easier is a good pair of nurse shoes. Control the temptation to wear heels to work and look for comfortable shoes.

The best way to get good quality shoes is to visit a shop and try them on. You may get some better deals online but if they are not comfortable, they may not be of any use. So it’s better to try it on before you buy it.


Jewelry can add a lot of character to your look. You can wear small tops in your ear or pretty hairpins if you want. It is good to avoid neckpieces because in challenging times patients can grab you by your neckpieces or rip them apart. Rings can be a bit tough to remove or wear during work.


If you feel comfortable wearing makeup, there is nothing wrong with wearing a bit of it. But make sure to keep it simple. Heavy makeup is not ideal for hospitals. A little bit of lipstick and some mascara should be enough. You can add brows or blush if you like to.


If your hair reaches below your shoulders you shouldn’t keep it loose during work. If you keep your hair loose you may get unwanted fluids or germs in your hair. If you have shoulder-length hair, the best way to wear it is to make a ponytail and long hair should be tied up in a bun. You can look up online for easy bun ideas for nurses.


Many women are used to getting nail extensions or wearing fake nails. It is strictly prohibited for nurses. According to a study, long nails can shelter many nasty bacterias which can later spread among patients or contaminate the nurse as well. So, keep them short and clean.


Get yourself a good quality watch. Watches are an essential piece of accessory for nurses. When you are getting a watch, make sure to get waterproof ones. Because you’ll need to sanitize it after every use

It’s best to get a watch that shows both time and date because you’ll constantly need to address time and date to patients.  

To sum up

The best way to look good in anything is to be confident. No matter what your scrub is you need to be positive and confident to pull it off. Remember you are doing an amazing job and people look up to you as a hero.