Amazing Tips for Oily Skin Treatment – Get Rid of Oily Skin Naturally

oily skin treatment

Having oily skin is really a pain as it can result in breakouts, and can screw with your makeup. Oily skin is caused when too much sebum is produced by the sebaceous gland. Sebum is essential for managing healthy and glowing skin. Nevertheless, too much production of sebum can lead to clogged pores and oily skin, which further leads to acne. You must be thinking about how to get rid of oily skin? We have got your home remedies for oily skin treatment . But, before jumping to the remedies and oily skin products, let us first explore the oily skin causes and symptoms.

Read – Home remedies for acne

What are Oily Skin Symptoms?

Below mentioned are some of the common symptoms of oily skin.

  1. Blackheads and clogged pores
  2. Greasy appearance
  3. Large pores on the skin
  4. Persistent pimples
  5. Thick or rough-looking skin

What are Oily Skin Causes?

The primary causes of oily skin include environmental, lifestyle, and genetics. Below mentioned are some of the major oily skin causes.

  1. Age
  2. Genetics
  3. Enlarged pores
  4. Wrong skincare products
  5. Overdoing the skincare routine

How to Get Rid of Oily Skin?

It is not easy to manage oily skin as it requires a person to follow appropriate skincare habits on a regular basis. Acne and oily skin are difficult to manage; nevertheless, there are specific home remedies for oily skin that you can use for oily skin treatment.

  1. Wash Your Face

Washing face regularly is useful to remove the extra amount of oil present on the skin. But don’t overdo it. Wash your face twice a day and use a gentle cleanser. Wash your face with warm water and gentle soap or cleanser. Do not use harsh chemicals or added fragrances as it can irritate your skin and can lead to the production of more sebum. Avoid using rough washcloths or loofahs as it might harm your skin.

  1. Honey

Honey is one of the best home remedies for oily skin treatment and is one of the best skincare products gifted by nature. It is loaded with antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which makes it an effective oily skin product. It is beneficial for acne-prone and oily skin. Honey is a natural humectant, which means it keeps skin moisturized but not oily. In order to use honey for oily skin, apply a thin layer of raw honey on your face. Let it dry for approximately ten minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is an effective oily skin product as it absorbs excess oil and calms inflammation. It helps in exfoliating the dead skin. In order to use oatmeal, you can combine it with mashed fruit, yogurt, or honey. Mix oatmeal paste with honey and massage the mixture on your face for three minutes. Rinse it with warm water. You can also apply the oatmeal mixture on your face and rinse it with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

  1. Cosmetic Clay

Cosmetic clay is good to absorb the oil from the skin, and it can also be used to treat various skin conditions. Cosmetic clay is one of the best home remedies for oily skin. In order to use cosmetic clay add rose water to clay. Apply the mixture on your face, and after drying, remove it warm water. It is one of the most effective measure and perfect solution to how to get rid of oily skin.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is considered one of the best remedies for various skin conditions. It is also good to treat flaky skin conditions caused by oily patches. Aloe vera is popularly used to treat oily skin. You can apply a layer of aloe vera gel on your dace before going to bed and then leave it on your face until morning. Try this home remedy for oily skin, and trust me; you will love it.

  1. Jojoba Oil

Idea of using oil on skin for treating oily skin issue sound weird, but trust me jojoba oil is one of the best product to treat acne, and oily skin problems. You need to use a little amount of jojoba oil as too much might worsen the skin. In order to use the oil massage a few drops on clean skin. You don’t need to do this daily, use this only few days a week. If you are satisfied with the results, then you can use it daily.

  1. Lemon and Egg Whites

It is an effective home remedy for oily skin. Prepare a mask by combining one egg white with one teaspoon fresh lemon juice. Leave the mask on your face until it dries and then remove it with warm water for good results.