Baby Peacock: Know Characteristics and Behavior

baby peacock

When it comes to birds, many people immediately think of majestic creatures like eagles, owls, or even the majestic peacock. However, few people give much thought to the baby peacock or chick, which is often overlooked despite being just as adorable as its adult counterpart. This article, we’ll explore why baby peacocks are indeed much cuter than you think.

Physical Characteristics

One of the most striking features of baby peacocks is their soft, fluffy plumage. Unlike the vibrant blues and greens of the adult peacock, baby peacocks are covered in downy, soft greyish-brown feathers that make them look like tiny, cuddly balls of fluff.

Their eyes are a bright, inquisitive brown, and their beaks are small and soft, perfect for pecking at food. Baby peacocks are also much smaller than their adult counterparts, weighing in at around 1-2 pounds (0.5-1 kg) compared to the adult peacock’s 3-4 pounds (1.5-2 kg).

Behavioral Characteristics

Baby peacocks are also incredibly playful and curious, often exploring their surroundings with wonder and excitement. They spend their days pecking at bugs, chasing after leaves, and flapping their small wings to practice flying.

Despite their small size, baby peacocks are also surprisingly bold, often venturing out of their nests to explore the surrounding area and investigate new sights and sounds.

This curiosity and playfulness make them all the more adorable as they explore the world around them.

Parental Care

One of the most impressive aspects of baby peacocks is the care and attention they receive from their parents. Peahens, the female peacocks, take turns incubating their eggs and caring for their young, feeding them a diet of insects and seeds. The male peacocks, or peafowl, also play an important role in raising their young, often standing guard and protecting their family from predators.

This close bond between parents and child is heartwarming to observe, as the baby peacock grows and develops under their watchful eyes.

Interesting Facts

Did you know that baby peacocks are born with their eyes open, unlike many other birds? This allows them to start exploring their surroundings from a very early age. Also, baby peacocks are able to walk and run within just a few days of hatching, and can even fly short distances by the time they are around 6-8 weeks old.

This rapid development is a testament to the incredible adaptability and resilience of these young birds.


In conclusion, baby peacocks are indeed much cuter than you think. Their soft, fluffy plumage, curious nature, and playful behavior make them a joy to behold. The close bond between parents and child, and the impressive development of these young birds, are just a few of the many reasons why baby peacocks are a wonder to behold.


What is a Baby Peacock? 

A baby peacock is also known as a peafowl or peachick. It is a young peacock that has not yet developed its full plumage and is still dependent on its mother for food and protection.

How to Determine the Gender of a Baby Peacock? 

To determine the gender of a baby peacock, examine its leg length. If the legs are long and slender, it’s likely a male peafowl. If they are short and stubby, it’s probably a female one.

How Long Do Baby Peacocks Take to Grow Their Tails? 

Baby peacocks take around three years to grow their majestic tails, which will reach adult peacock proportions. However, the tail volume and size peak when the bird is 5 to 6 years old.

What is the Correct Collective Noun for Peafowl? 

The correct collective noun for peafowl, inclusive for all sexes and ages, is ‘Peafowl.’ Therefore, the correct alternative to ‘peachicks’ would be ‘Peafowl chicks’ or  ‘Peafowl babies’ instead of ‘Peacock babies.’

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