Best Tips On How To Find The Best Cabin Rental For Your Family


Whether for a weekend getaway or holiday vaca with the fam, going on the hunt for the best cabin rentals can be less-than-fun than expected. At least, if you go about the task without these verified expert tips on how to do so sans unnecessary hassles. 

Here’s what you can and should do. 

1. Create A List 

There’s nothing like good ol’ writing down what you and your family are looking for in ideal cabin rentals and lodgings such as the Twain Harte hotels. This doesn’t have to be technical, a.k.a. “professional” in constructing this list. 

You simply need to list specifics. And be as detailed as possible. Aside from crucial elements like the number of beds you will require plus utilities, the location of the rooms (i.e. with a view, without a view, corner rooms, etc.), bed types, connecting rooms, and the like shouldn’t be missed out on. 

2. Booking Early Has Its Benefits 

It’s true that there are a number of areas in the continental U.S. wherein prices of accommodations drop even a day before peak dates. That being said, these are more on the rare side. Experts still highly recommend that you do your research in advance. Others even go as far as making reservations a year ahead! 

If this seems too far fetched for you (you’ll find that the year-early reservation is beneficial for high-demand destinations), months in advance will be optimal. Just ascertain to read clauses about cancellations and/or the possibility of making reservation changes without extra charges before you seal the deal. 

3. Re-Think Those Holiday Dates 

There’s no doubt that accommodation and lodging establishments like Fun Cabin Rentals see skyrocket-high bookers on holidays. For this reason, it’s just as likely that rates reach the roof as well. Hello, the law of supply and demand. 

Therefore, if it’s possible (and if you want to avoid those sudden price fluctuations), maybe work around those holiday dates. How about booking a couple of days before or after? And what of weekdays instead of spot-on weekends? In the event that the tribe is willing to be flexible with this factor, you may be able to get your hands on significantly better rates. 

4. “Name” That Room Location 

Be familiar with terminologies posted on room descriptions. “Oceanfront” versus “oceanview” versus “beachfront”, the list goes on and on. So you’ll have to do a bit of due diligence regarding this. It won’t take too much of your time, we promise. 

These terminologies (along with a myriad of other lodging phraseology) need to be qualified. For instance, “oceanview” rooms may give you a “view” of the sea without the said room being situated right in front of it. 

5. Budget Plus A Little Extravagance 

It is important to stick to your budget. However, allow yourself a little extravagance, too. After all, you’ll be on vacation. This bit is completely up to you and how much your budget will allow for a little stretch. 

Ask for input from your clan’s members as to which type of accommodation everyone is willing to splurge a tad on. Rooms on high floors, balconies, add-ons like meals and/or snacks (if your package isn’t already all-inclusive), etc.