10 Incredible Big Leaf Indoor Plants For Your House

big leaf indoor plants

Known for their splendid beauty and boldly marked oblong leaves, big leaf plants are beautiful plants that people widely use for indoor office decoration. Various big-leaf indoor plants decorate indoor spaces as they require less care and indirect lighting to grow.

 With such a wide variety of big leaf plants, it might be challenging to choose the right one for you.

Dont worry; we have done the hard work for you; we have come up with a list of incredibly beautiful types of big leaf indoor plants so that you can choose the best one for you.

Elephant Ear Plant (Colocasia)

Although colocasia is commonly grown outdoors, it can also be grown indoors to make some of the best indoor plant decorations. The leaves of this plant can grow up to 3 feet long, varying from one variety to another.

Keep this plant away from children as it can be quite toxic.

Care instructions:

  • Bright light with indirect sunlight is best for growing elephant ear plant
  • The soil must be kept watered all the time to retain moisture.
  • The soil must be well-drained and should be rich in peat.

Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia)

This one is a tropical flower that gets its name as a credit toits beautiful and unique flowers, which resemble a flying bird. Bird of paradise has large leaves that grow in a self-heading manner, meaning that the foliage sprouts in layers from a single central stalk.

A strelitzia plant can grow up to seven feet tall and 4 feet wide on maturing. But ensure to stay away from it, as it is toxic to humans, cats, dogs, and horses.

Care instructions:

  • Requires bright direct sunlight or indirect bright light.
  • Water every time you see the soil getting dry
  • Grows well in loamy, rich, and well-drained soil.

Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus Lyrata)

Ficus lyrata are one of the most popular big leaf indoor plants that will make a statement piece in your living room or drawing-room. The plant has large, waxy, and fiddle-shaped leaves that grow in various shapes.

Despite being so popular, this plant is notorious for being high maintenance and difficult to care for, but it can grow quite well under the right conditions.

When grown indoors, fiddle leaf fig is restricted to growing in pots and careful pruning. The leaves of this plant are toxic to cats, humans, and dogs.

  • Requires bright indirect sunlight to grow properly.
  • Water it regularly or once the soil turns dry
  • Well-drained soil is best

 Croton Plant

Croton plant can be a great addition to your home decor as it requires very little sunlight and has large bold leaves. It needs to be watered only once a week or more, depending upon your house’s humidity level.

The soil you use to grow croton plants should be moist but not too wet as you grow it indoors. Make sure to use only tap water for watering this plant.

Care instructions:

  • Requires bright indirect sunlight to grow properly.
  • Water once a week or twice.
  • Well-drained soil is best.

Rubber Tree (Ficus elastica)

The rubber tree is a popular houseplant that comes in many different shapes and colors. What makes this plant even more attractive is its large waxy leaves.

When grown outdoors, the rubber tree can grow upto a height of 50 feet, but when grown indoors, its shape and size are controlled using pruning and root restriction methods.

The rubber tree can be toxic to cats, humans, and dogs.

Care instructions:

  • Bright and direct sunlight
  • Moist soil is required during the growing season
  • Well-drained soil is preferable

Philodendron Gloriosum

Philodendron gloriosum is an attractive large-leafed variety of big leaf indoor plants characterized by its long, deep green leaves with white veining.

The plant is rare; you probably won’t find it at your local garden center and have to order it online.

Philodendron gloriosum is toxic to cats, dogs, and humans

  • Requires bright and indirect sunlight
  • Water once the soil gets dry
  • Rich and well-drained soil is best

Majesty Palm (Ravenna rivularis)

The majesty palm is a highly attractive and stunning indoor tree that grows upto 10 feet tall, although it takes time to grow. This plant is characterized by huge green fronds that grow on multiple stems.

Although it might be difficult specie to grow indoors, it requires a lot of care. Right light, fertilization, and temperature play a crucial role in its growth.

Care instructions

  • Requires bright indirect sunlight.
  • The soil must be kept evenly moist at all times.
  • Succulent soil is required.

Calathea orbifold

This one is a prayer plant characterized by its large orb-shaped leaves. Calathea orbifold requires high humidity to thrive, making it a little difficult to grow indoors.

Place this plant inside your house that receives bright indirect sunlight and keeps the soil evenly moist.

Care instructions:

  • Bright indirect sunlight is preferred
  • The soil must be watered regularly to keep the soil evenly moist
  • Rich well-drained soil

Ruffled Fan Palm (Licuala grandis)

The ruffled fan palm is a very beautiful and rare palm variety with huge pleated leaves quite similar to hand fans. While finding a ruffled palm can be tricky, it is easy to grow it indoors.

Make sure to plant it well-lit and allow the soil to dry between watering sessions.

Care instructions:

  • Bright to medium indirect light is preferred.
  • Needs to be watered regularly
  • Well-drained and rich soil.


Hosta plants are one of the best big leaf indoor plants you’ll ever find because they are elegant, beautiful, and easy to maintain. Just place them in a well-lit corner of your house and water them regularly; you’ll have your indoor plant ready.

Care instructions:

  • Requires bright indirect sunlight.
  • The soil must be kept evenly moist at all times.
  • Succulent soil is required.

If you are looking for some budget-friendly ideas to give your interior a new touch of spice, then these big leaf indoor plants can be of great use.

Just place one of these in a large pot in your living or drawing room and see how it instantly changes the room’s appearance.

Indoor plants are also a good option to add life to dull corners. Make sure you choose the righ plant according to your needs.

We hope that you liked this article. Let us know which plant you liked the most in the comments below.

Until then

Happy planting.