How To Fix A BT Hub Flashing Purple In April 2024 bt hub flashing purpleHow To Fix A BT Hub Flashing Purple In April 2024

bt hub flashing purple
  • If your BT Hub Flashing Purple, it means there is a problem with the connection. You need to fix it quickly to avoid losing your service.
  • One easy way to try and fix a flashing purple light on your BT router is to turn it off and on again.
  • Make sure all the cables are plugged in properly and are not damaged. This is often the reason for a problem.
  • If your BT home hub’s light is flashing purple, it might be because the software or firmware is outdated. Updating it could fix the problem.
  • You might have to reset your BT hub to its factory settings if nothing else works. This is a big step, but it might be necessary.
  • If you can’t fix the flashing purple light on your BT router yourself, contact BT support. They can help you further.
  • To avoid problems with your hub’s connection in the future, regularly check your BT hub manager for updates and service status.

BT Hub Flashing Purple Meaning

When the BT Hub Flashing Purple, it means there is a problem with the connection. This could be because of a short break in service or recent changes in settings.

To fix this, you can try turning your hub off and on again, looking for any software updates, and contacting BT support if you need more help. If the problem does not disappear, you might need to reset the hub or ask BT technical support for more advice.

A blue light that stays on means the hub is working fine. However, if the BT home hub light is flashing purple, there is a connection problem. Your BT Hub might be having trouble connecting to the internet, or the connection might be dropping out occasionally.

If the light keeps flashing for a few minutes, it might mean you need to reset your hub or there is a problem with the power supply. If this happens for more than five minutes, you should contact BT.

My BT Hub Flashing Purple. Why?

When you see a purple light flashing on your BT Hub, it tries to connect to your broadband. This usually happens after you restart it or set it up for the first time.

If the purple light keeps flashing for long, the hub might have trouble making a stable connection. This could be because of faulty cables, a problem with your internet service provider’s network, or an issue with the hub itself.

You should check your internet setup and ensure all connections are secure. If the problem persists, you might need to contact BT support.

A BT Router Flashing Purple: How to Fix

When your BT Hub light flashes purple, it means there is a problem with the connection. You need to fix it quickly. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Check the Hub: Ensure your BT Hub is plugged in and turned on. The power light should be steady, which means it is working.
  • Restart the Hub: Turning your hub off and then on again can often fix a flashing purple light. Unplug it, wait for a minute, then plug it back in. Wait for it to start up again and see what the light does.
  • Look at the Cables: Check all cables connected to your BT Hub. Ensure they are all plugged in properly and none is broken. This includes the power cable, the broadband cable, and any Ethernet cables.
  • Check the Broadband Cable: Ensure the broadband cable is plugged in tightly to the BT Hub and your phone socket. If you are using a filter, make sure it is installed correctly.
  • Update Software and Firmware: Check if there is a newer version of the software for your BT Hub. Old software or firmware can cause problems with the connection. Instructions for updating it can be found on the BT website or in the BT Hub manager.
  • Contact BT Support: If you have tried all these steps and the purple light is still flashing, you should contact BT support. They can give you more help or arrange for someone to come and look at it..

Other steps

Check for BT Service Problems: If your BT Hub Flashing Purple, it might be because there is a problem with the service in your area. You can check this by going to the BT Service Status page and typing in your postcode.

Check Your Modem/Router: If your BT Hub light is still flashing purple after you have tried everything else, it might be because there is a problem with your modem or router.

Contact BT Support: If you have tried all these steps and the purple light is still flashing, you should contact BT customer support.

Lights on Your BT Hub Meaning

Knowing what the lights on your BT Hub mean can help you figure out and fix problems more easily.

  • Green Light: A green light that stays on means your internet connection is working. You do not need to do anything.
  • Orange Light: An orange light that stays on means your hub is connected, but it’s not getting internet services. You should check your account and how your router is set up.
  • Red Light: A red light means there is a serious problem with your internet connection. You might need to reset your hub or contact BT support.
  • Blue Light: A blue light that stays on means your hub is working properly and is connected to the internet.
  • Flashing Purple Light: A purple light that’s flashing means your hub is trying to connect to the broadband. If it keeps flashing, you should try some troubleshooting steps.
  • Solid Purple Light: If the light is purple and stays on, your hub has connected to EE’s backup mobile network because there’s a problem with your main broadband connection.

Contacting BT Support About BT Hub Flashing Purple

If the steps above do not fix the problem, you should get in touch with BT support. You can call them on 0800 800 150 or contact them through the BT Community forums.

There are several reasons why a BT Hub might flash purple, like a temporary outage or wrong settings. To fix a purple light flashing on a BT Hub, try turning the hub off and on again and look for any software updates. If you still need help, you should contact BT customer support.


This article has explained the reasons behind the BT Hub Flashing Purple. By adhering to the comprehensive troubleshooting guide, users can successfully fix the issue of a BT router’s purple light flashing. It also emphasizes the significance of routine upkeep and updates via the BT hub manager.

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