California becomes the First State of the U.S. to Say No to the Sale and Manufacturing of Fur Products

ban fur sales

The trend of banning fur sale and manufacturing is on fire in the fashion industry. Fur farming is considered as one of the most crucial acts as each year; approximately one hundred million animals are killed brutally on the fur farms in order to supply fur to the fashion industry. Varied brands and countries are promoting the ban on manufacturing and sale of fur products concerning animal welfare and business ethics. In this regard, California has become the first U.S. state to forbid the production and sale of fur products.

Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed legislation on last Friday that makes sale or manufacture of fur products illegal in the state. The fur law prohibits residents of the state from manufacturing fur clothes, handbags or shoes starting from the year 2023.  Moreover, the bill also includes a ban on suing most animals in circus performances.

The measure has been admired by the animal rights groups as a robust stand against the inhumane practices. Nevertheless, the billion-dollar fur industry of the U.S. has vigorously opposed the proposal, and the Fur Information Council of America has threatened to sue.

Regarding the ban or fur sale and production, Newsom stated “California is a leader when it comes to animal welfare, and today that leadership includes banning the sale of fur. But we are doing more than that. We are making a statement to the world that beautiful animals like bears and tigers have no place to trapeze wires or jumping through flames.”

The step of California to ban production and sale of fur is profoundly appreciable, and it would help in setting an example for banning the inhumane activities with animals.