Boruto Timeskip - “Boruto: The Timeskip Begins” is a thrilling new phase in the Boruto manga series. This exciting part of the story started on August 21, 2023, after a break of about four months. The Boruto timeskip marks...
The Boys Season 4 - Amazon's The Boys has carved a unique niche in a world brimming with superhero movies and shows. With its dark take on the superhero genre, it offers a refreshing change of pace. This article...
When is purple hearts 2 coming out - “Purple Hearts” is a romantic drama film premiered on Netflix in July 2022. The story revolves around Cassie (played by Sofia Carson), an aspiring singer, and Luke (played by Nicholas Galitzine),...
Strongest Hashira - In the world of "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba", the Hashira are the most elite group of demon slayers. Each Hashira is unique and specializes in its individual combat style. Let us rank them based on...
"Scooby doo villains, Where Are You," the very title conjures up memories of spooky mansions, hidden trapdoors, and a certain Great Dane with an insatiable appetite for snacks. This beloved animated series has been an amazing audience for decades,...
Spiderman pointing meme is still funny and popular, even though most memes get old quickly. The meme comes from a 1967 Spider-Man cartoon in which two Spider-Men point at each other and say they are the fake ones.
The meme...
Cooking anime - Anime, a style of animation that originated in Japan, has taken the world by storm. It is not just about action-packed adventures or heart-wrenching romance; the genre is dedicated to food and cooking. Yes, you heard...
Anime Symbols - Anime is a medium that is rich with symbolism, from the characters’ designs to the objects they use to the settings they inhabit. Anime symbols can convey various meanings, such as themes, emotions, messages, or references...
Titanic artifacts - A tremendous ship called the Titanic, which used to sail around the ocean, everything grand, calmly lying now on the seafloor. This ship was packed with interesting things, one of which I would like to study...
Rush Hour 4 - It has been over 16 years since the dynamic duo of Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker graced the big screen in the action-comedy series "Rush Hour." Their mixture of action and humour left an indelible...