Exam Labs TEAS Test Prep Courses: The Best Way to Gain Health Science Knowledge and Skills


The TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) measures the nursing program applicants’ basic academic knowledge of English and Language Usage, Science, Mathematics, and Reading. The exam assesses the entry-level academic preparedness of those individuals entering the health science fields. Nursing and allied health schools use this test to enable them to make admission decisions. Many nursing schools require that their candidates take the Exam Labs TEAS and it is important that you check out the admission criteria of the school you want to join.

In this article, we will look at this exam in more detail to let you know what you need to cover and understand about it. So, let’s dive into it!

Exam Details

The TEAS VCE exam contains 170 multiple-choice questions, which present a candidate with four options. 20 of them are pre-test questions that will be not scored in the overall statistics. They are experimental and are used by the ATI to determine if they can be possible future official questions. The test has four sections and each has a different time limit. The Reading section has 53 questions that should be completed within 64 minutes. The Math part comes with 36 questions and 54 minutes. The Science area includes 53 questions that should be answered within 63 minutes. Finally, the English and Language Usage section has 28 questions and 28 minutes for their completion. The entire exam takes 3 hours and 29 minutes.

Every above-mentioned area derives its questions from the topics that form it.

  • The Math section covers Arithmetic, Algebra, as well as data and measurement. The questions focus on percentages, inequalities, algebraic equations, ratio proportion, graph analysis, and solving problems dealing with whole, rational, irrational, and imaginary numbers.
  • The Reading section contains the questions related to comprehension passages, which tests your critical and analytical skills. Therefore, you will have to know about key ideas and details, integration of knowledge and ideas, as well as craft and structure.
  • The Science section covers the domains in life and physical sciences, human anatomy and physiology, along with scientific reasoning. More focus is placed on Biology, whereby you are required to answer the questions regarding the endocrine system and the functioning of the human body.
  • The English and Language Usage section comes with the questions that evaluate the students’ knowledge of spellings, punctuations, and grammatical skills. You will learn every important detail of the language, vocabulary acquisition, as well as conventions of standard English.

Great Prep Ways

There is a great deal of preparation that you need to undertake in order to pass the Exam Labs TEAS test. Therefore, you need to use the best preparation methods if you are hoping to take it on the first try and get admission to the nursing program. So, here are some effective tips that can help you prepare for this exam:

  • Understand the exam format

You don’t want to be blindsided when you take the test because it will raise your anxiety level, which will cause you to fail. Therefore, ensure that you know what to expect by understanding the exam format. Make sure that you cover all four sections so that you are able to answer most of the questions correctly. This will provide you with the confidence you need to take the test.

  • Take advantage of test prep courses

There are online prep courses that you can use to prepare for the exam. They are self-paced and include video lessons that enable you to understand the concepts, which will be assessed in the exam. The ATI offers study guides and other multiple materials that you can use.

  • Study each exam section separately

The Exam Labs TEAS contains four sections and you need to study them separately to understand the different concepts involved. For example, the concepts in the Math section require a different study approach than those in the English part and you should understand that. Therefore, you need to develop a study plan that caters to all these domains. Focus on the topics with great deliberation so that you are able to answer the questions you encounter in the actual test. For more visit https://www.examsnap.com

Final Word

In conclusion, we can admit that the Exam Labs TEAS test may seem difficult for some applicants, but all you need to do is prepare well for it and you will surely succeed. So, use the tips mentioned above to help you conquer your fears and focus on acing the exam topics. This is an important test and you cannot afford to leave anything to chance.