Healthiest Foods to Eat During Winters – Best Food to Eat in Winters to Stay Healthy

healthy foods to eat in winters

This article is based on the healthy food to eat in winter season to keep away diseases and boost immune system.

Winter is the prime flu season, staying healthy is a must so that we can enjoy the beautiful weather fully. Yuletide has begun we are going to celebrate it with our friends and family. People usually ask expert dieticians about what to eat during the winter season to stay healthy. In this article, we are listing some food items that are suggested by the expert dietician Tracy Lockwood Beckerman to eat in the winter season.

As you know, the high proportion of immunity lies in our stomach, and eating healthy food is a must to stay fit. Tracy Beckerman, says on the topic that, “While everyone is coughing on you, you can protect yourself with food. Your gut plays a role in protecting your immune system.”

These below mention foods help you stay fit and healthy in winters and keep you away from any communicable diseases.

Add Turmeric and Black Pepper In Your Milk

Drink warm milk in winters and add a pinch of turmeric and black pepper in it. The anti-inflammatory property of turmeric kills the germs and gives a boost to your immune system.

Eat Dry Fruits and Nuts Very Often

“Add walnuts and pecans to your diet for a rush of antioxidants to fight off germs.” Says Tracy. Fatty acids in nuts keep your body fit and keep your skin and hair strong as well as healthy. Antioxidants in nuts protect you from inflammation and help in detoxifying the body. These are one of the healthiest foods to eat in winters to stay fit and away from diseases.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

Beckerman says it is essential to keep the body hydrated during the winter season, as well as. Drinking water in winters helps in maintaining body cells work properly. If you don’t drink plenty of water, you may become tired quickly, and your skin becomes dry and flaky easily.


Eat Vitamin C Rich Fruits & Veggies

During the winter season, add fruits and vegetables rich in citrus acid. Food like tomatoes, oranges, sweet potatoes, spinach, red peppers, and other same family vegetables. These vegetables keep your body healthy for a longer time and immune system up to date.