How to get a medical marijuana card?

tips to get medical marijuana card

 Medical cannabis and medical Marijuana were legalized in 1996 at the proposition of 215, the Compassionate Use Act. The best and easiest way to get your hands on a Medical Marijuana Card is by applying online. 

You will need to fulfill some conditions and requirements to Get a Medical Marijuana Card. First being, that you have one of the 50 health conditions to qualify as someone who needs cannabis for medical and health purposes, and then only you can apply for the card on OneLoveMD.

If you think the only way to alleviate your health condition is Marijuana then the simplest and easiest route to get a Medical Marijuana Card (MMJ) is through online mode.

How much does it cost to get a Medical Cannabis Card in California?

It is not expensive to buy an MMJ card online. It approximately costs around:

$49 for the medical marijuana card,

$59 for plastic ID card along with MMJ card

$149 for Grower’s Recommendation 

Online guide to buying Medical Marijuana Card in California

The fastest way to get MMJ recommended by a doctor is getting it online, by signing up on OneLoveMD.

To enroll for California Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program is a personal choice. Therefore it is your decision to follow the below-mentioned steps. The general steps to get medical marijuana card are as follow(only for California):

  • Have a health condition to qualify the requirements
  • Fill the details in medical history formmedical marijuana card online
  • Get in touch with a doctor who provides MMJ evaluation to get MMJ recommendation
  • Discuss with the doctor about your medical condition
  • Get the MMJ recommendation from the doctor emailed
  • Visit the recreation marijuana dispensary or a local drugstore to buy cannabis or get them delivered at your place.

What is an age restriction for an MMJ?

File:Discount Medical Marijuana - 1.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Both adults and minors can apply legally to buy medical marijuana card in California. Minors of 18 years of age or younger need to have the consent of the parents along with proper identification. Any adult above 21 years of age can apply for a medical marijuana card.

List of qualifying medical conditions to get MMJ in California

  • Arthritis- cramps, pain
  • Anorexia eating disorder
  • Cancer-any type
  • Cachexia

    How to qualify for MMJ Card
    <em>image source<em>
  • Chronic pain- ankle, back knee, post-surgical or neck pain
  • Increased eye pressure/ Glaucoma
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Migraine
  • Persistent muscle spasm
  • Epilepsy
  • Seizures
  • Severe nausea
  • Any persistent or chronic medical condition that limits the ability of the patient to perform major activities of life as defined in ADA 1990, and may cause mental harm

Some important information for California Medical Marijuana License 

After you have received the recommendation for Medical Marijuana Card online, you will be able to use it at any medical marijuana dispensary of the state. Not every doctor recommends MMJ even though they are allowed. The main reason for this is because the medical benefits of Marijuana are not fully discovered, and there are no proofs yet that it is a better treatment form. You can also visit a specialized evaluation center but you will have to wait for a long time and then get done with short doctor consultation.

If you choose to get the MMJ card online, you will save a lot of time, money, and heartaches. 

A person who has a Medical Marijuana Card can possess not more than 8 ounces, 227 grams of dried Marijuana. They can own up to six mature marijuana plants or 12 immature.

medical marijuana laws California

Some reasons to get the Medical Marijuana Card

  •  Feel safe- California is a state with most user-friendly rules in the US. And there is little to worry about marijuana users when it comes to possessing, using, and growing Marijuana. Until n unless any person is not maintaining or producing Marijuana against the law, the law enforcement officials will run a check on the individual as long as he/she is causing no threat or disturbance to other people.
  • Police stop- police conduct had to change after Proposition 64. Earlier, even the smell of Marijuana could get you arrested. After the enactment of the law. As long as any person is using Marijuana within the limits of law is not considered as a criminal and cannot be seized. As per the law, recreation users are allowed to own an ounce or less marijuana flower, eight grams or less of dried Marijuana and is allowed to grow six plants which are above 21 years of age.
  • Employer/Work- the laws regarding the workplace are strict in California. Mostly random drug tests if often discouraged due to offending the right to privacy. People working for Federal motor carrier safety administration, Departement of transportation, Federal railroad administration, Hazardous material safety administration, and the Federal aviation administration, as well as many others, are required to submit for random drug testing. 

Why should you get a recommendation for MMJ online?

Getting a recommendation for a medical marijuana card online is fast and straightforward. You just need to fill the details about your medical conditions and include all the standard medical forms and just straight up upload them online on the website. Then the next step begins, which is the evaluation process with the medical marijuana physician, which is done only within a few minutes.

The evaluation can be done via skype cal or over the phone, whatever you prefer. You will have to provide all the relevant information to the physician regarding your medical condition and all the details about your medical history.

The doctor of medical Marijuana is highly specialized and will advise the best type of Marijuana for you and also recommend the dosage according to your health condition. The doctor will also inform about the advantages and risks that come along with marijuana intake for medical purposes.

The official recommendation letter and MMJ card, the doctor’s signature, and also an embossed seal will be sent through the mail at your house. You will have to renew your MMJ card every year.