6 best Infused Water Recipes To Keep You Hydrated

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Staying hydrated is very important for your overall body and mental health. Drinking water helps in flushing out the toxins, helps in losing weight, boosts metabolism, and digestion, and is great for hair and skin. Wouldn’t you love it if you could infill the eater with more nutrients and make it visually pleasing? Here I have some of the best-infused water recipes for you. These infused water recipes are great for weight loss and keeping you healthy. Let’s dive into the recipes without wasting any time.

Orange ginger-infused water recipe- Orange infused water has many benefits. Oranges are a rich source of vitamin c and antioxidants. It helps in preventing DNA damage and heart diseases. Ginger minimizes inflammation, muscle pain, and risk of cardiovascular diseases. Ginger is great for boosting gastrointestinal health and prevents diabetes. Drink this orange ginger-infused water to gain the health benefits.


  • 1-liter water
  • Ginger root (1 inch)
  • Orange ½ 

           How to make:-

  • Crush ginger root using pestle and mortar.
  • Peel orange slices and mix it with ginger in 1-liter water.
  • Keep it in the refrigerator to steep for about 2 hours.

Blueberry cucumber-infused water recipe- This blueberry cucumber infused water is one of the best recipes for weight loss and works wonder for your skin and health. Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants. Blueberries are anti-inflammatory in nature and help in preventing swelling, skin infections, and lose weight. Cucumber has very high water content and very low on calories. It helps in reducing cholesterol levels, skin rashes, and flushes out the toxins from the body. 


  • 1-liter water
  • Cucumber slices (10)
  • Blueberries (15-20)

          How to make:-

  • Cut all the blueberries into half and keep it in a jar filled with water along with cucumbers.
  • Let them steep in the water for 5 minutes and then drink throughout the day.

Raspberry and Orange Infused Water recipe- Raspberry is loaded with antioxidants that protect from the oxygen radicals, which are very harmful to the body and also prevent cancer.


  • 1 liter water
  • Orange (1)
  • Raspberry (15)

        How to make:-

  • Cut raspberry and oranges in half. Toss raspberry and orange into a jar filled with water.
  • Let them steep in the water for almost 15-20 minutes.

Coconut Kiwi Infused Water recipe-   Coconut water is a good hydration source, full of natural electrolytes. Kiwis lower the triglyceride level and platelet aggregation. It increases the good cholesterol level of the body. 


  • Coconut water (2 cups)
  • Kiwi slices (7)

            How to make:-

  • Fill a jar with coconut water and add kiwi slices.
  • Let the kiwis steep in coconut water for about 10-15 minutes.

Peach Mint Infused Water recipe- Peaches are a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B, beta-carotene, lycopene, flavonoid, and folic acid. These help in boosting cell regeneration and re-energize the body. Mint leaves leave a cooling effect on the body. Mint leaves are anti-oxidant and antimicrobial in nature and help in improving digestion and prevent tumors. Try this best Peach and Mint infused water recipe.


  • 1-liter water
  • Mint leaves (handful)
  • Peach (medium-sized)

            How to Make:-

  • Cut the peach into thin slices and put them in a jar filled with water along with mint leaves.
  • Keep the jar aside for 10-15 minutes.

Green Apple Lime Infused Water recipe- Limes are a good source of vitamin C and provide relief in arthritis. Limes also help in preventing hair fall, stimulating digestion, and fights with cough and cold. Apples have phytonutrients which fight against cancer cells and prevent cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and reduce cholesterol level. This infused water recipe is best for boosting the immune system.


  • 1-liter water
  • Lime slices(7)
  • Green apple slice (12)

                 How to Make:-

  • Toss the lime and apple slices in a jar and fill it with water.
  • Keep it in the refrigerator for about 1 hour to steep.