Learn More about Calcium Deficiency in Plants


The marijuana plant has been around for centuries. It has been used for medicinal purposes, as well as recreation. For plants to thrive, they must be planted well and have optimal chances for growth. Below is a closer look at calcium deficiencies in these plants and what can be done to correct the problem so that the plants can thrive.

Importance of Calcium for Plant Health

Calcium is an essential aspect of the success of a plant. In marijuana plants, calcium assists the plant in maintaining strong cell walls, stalks, stems, branches, and develops a strong root system so that the plant can take up potassium well. Not only that, but calcium helps plants build their resilience to various stressors, like heat. To learn more, i49 has more details, but without enough calcium, marijuana plants will not be able to grow and succeed.

What a Calcium Deficiency in Plants Looks Like

If left untreated, a calcium deficiency can move throughout the entire plant, stopping it from growing properly. Evidence of this type of deficiency includes darkening of the leaves, spots of necrosis, curling of the tips, distortion of new leaves, and possible leaf death. Young shoots can become discolored, turning yellow or purple, as well as mature stems can decay on the inside.

When stems and shoots get damaged, they will become weak and more prone to getting broken. Plants with a calcium deficiency will not grow to their full potential, but their growth will be stunted. If the deficiency is not resolved by the time the plant is in its flowering stage, then the buds may not develop fully. Sometimes calcium deficiencies occur with other mineral deficiencies, such as magnesium and iron deficiencies. If a grower notices a calcium deficiency, they should check for symptoms of other deficiencies that may be affecting the plant’s health.

How to Prevent a Calcium Deficiency in Marijuana Plants

One of the very best things you can do when growing marijuana plants is to buy the highest quality of seeds you can find. This will set up the plants of different strains for optimal growth and success. Aside from purchasing quality seeds, a grower should take the appropriate steps to prevent calcium deficiency from occurring. One way to do this is to balance the pH levels of the soil, as well as using garden lime to prepare the soil before the season begins.

Other aspects to consider include water usage and LED lights (for indoor growers). Tap water should be used over distilled water because tap is richer in trace minerals. Do not use LED lights when growing the plants indoors because LED lights do not produce a broad spectrum of light. This means that the wavelengths of light plants need are not present. Without the wavelength, plants cannot make calcium naturally.

For outdoor growers, it is easy to fix a calcium deficiency problem in the soil. First, make sure the soil’s pH is between 6.2 and 7.0. You can easily do this by adding a nutrient, such as garden lime. Another compound that works well is calcium nitrate. It is water-soluble, and the roots can easily absorb it.

A calcium deficiency can be difficult to spot, although they are very common. The best approach to tackle the problem is to prevent it from happening by taking the proper steps.