Odor And Diabetes Everything You Need To Know as a Woman


Since vee fresh suppositories made such a big fuss among our readers, we could not help but wonder in what other affections could these capsules be useful for vaginal health. The answer will probably surprise you, but here it comes. 

The food industry could not say no to adding sugar to every type of food product. In the last ten years, we have witnessed how the levels of people suffering from diabetes have risen. If left untreated, diabetes can be deadly, and its complications are no joke, same goes for postpartum vaginal odor!

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that affects the way blood sugar is processed. This happens because of a lack of insulin, and it can affect people regardless of age, sex, or lifestyle. Studies have shown that it can be caused by a high level of stress, too!

Today we are going to focus on how diabetes affects women since it is slightly different from men. There are several reasons for this:

  • Different treatments – since women tend to have more cardiovascular problems the treatment they take is not as aggressive as it is for men, thus making it less effective.
  • Hormonal problems – the menstrual cycle affects the overall level of estrogen in the human body, which also affects how diabetes works.
  • Complications of diabetes

The symptoms of diabetes are slightly different, too! Although high blood levels are common, there is more than this! For women, there are a lot of symptoms that could pass as a result of a urinary tract infection, bacterial vaginosis, or even just normal menstrual cycle problems.

Let’s delve deeper and find out more about what other symptoms can diabetes have for women!

  1. Yeast infections

High levels of blood sugar can cause an overgrowth of the yeasts that can naturally be found in the mucosal lining of the vagina or the mouth. Vaginal yeast infections have symptoms like an unusual foul-smelling discharge, itchiness, soreness, burning pain during urination or intercourse. We recommend scheduling an appointment with your health care provider for a checkup!

  1. UTIs

Urinary tract infections happen when there is a high level of harmful bacteria in the urinary tract. Studies have shown that the chance of developing UTIs is higher when you have diabetes, as the high levels of blood sugar create the perfect environment for bacteria to grow.

Symptoms for UTIs are burning pain during urination, blood in the urine, an unusual odor.

  1. PCOS

This is a serious condition that has become worryingly common. Polycystic ovary syndrome happens when the human body produces more testosterone than estrogen. This can lead to infertility if left untreated.

Symptoms are common and it is hard to diagnose this medical condition. Weight gain, irregular periods, depression, or acne are just some of the symptoms that people with PCOS experience.

  1. Vaginal odor and discomfort

Maybe this is the most looked down upon symptom, but you should know that a foul-smelling vagina might be one of the earliest symptoms of diabetes. This happens because of high levels of blood sugar that increase the level of harmful bacteria from the vagina.

A certain level of vaginal odor is normal to every one of us, but if you are noticing a foul-smelling discharge, with a slightly greyish color, then you should schedule an appointment with your doctor! These are signs of a more serious condition, and they can never give off diabetes!

If you notice slight changes in your natural body odor that persist even after you took a shower, then you should schedule an appointment with your health care provider as soon as possible. Don’t neglect to go to the doctor from time to time for usual check-ups!

Of course, diabetes can happen to anyone, but some risks factors can make us prone to developing this condition. Having an age over 45 years, being overweight, having a case of diabetes in the family history all these factors affect our health condition.

Also, getting some medication can temporarily increase your glucose blood level. One of these meds is birth control pills, but luckily for us, there are low glucose birth control pills, too. 

Studies have shown that glucose increases the growth of fungus, causing yeast infections. OTC medication should be enough to treat this condition. However, we recommend taking care of your daily diet, too, as some foods can worsen yeast infections.

There are some things you can do to prevent diabetes and reduce the risk of vaginal health problems. Experts recommend exercising to increase metabolism and heart rate resistance. Maintaining a healthy weight and having a healthy diet can also help to manage or preventing diabetes.

Pay attention to your body. It is very important to know what does normal means when it comes to your body. An unusual smell, an increased quantity of discharge, a change in color or density of the discharge – all these can hint at more serious problems than you thought!

When you notice these changes, schedule an appointment with your doctor. After running some blood tests, some sample tests, they would know exactly what kind of medication you need or what type of lifestyle changes you should make.

Some natural remedies can help to manage this condition and although those might work, we do not recommend replacing your medication with them. You should try increasing your intake of magnesium through supplements and consuming more broccoli, peas, and buckwheat. 

Left untreated, diabetes can cause a lot of serious problems, ranging from eating disorders to skin conditions and nerve damage or even blindness! If caught early, it is a manageable health condition, and the ongoing development of technology has proven to help treat diabetes.

Do not ignore even the smallest symptoms and hints that your body is giving you, as catching a health condition early could be vital for your health! You should know what does normal mean for your body and never neglect to have regular check-ups with your doctor!

Portrait Photo of Woman Frowning