Prada Logo Design: History & Evolution

prada logo

Prada Logo – Explore the story of how the Prada logo came to be and changed over time. This post explains what we can learn about keeping things simple, being flexible, and creating a brand!

Prada’s logo is famous in the fashion world. For people who love designs and logos, understanding how Prada’s logo came to be is like learning from the best. It’s all about being simple and timeless like the calm streets of Milan where it started. The Prada logo shows how design can change but still stay true to its roots.

But how did it happen? What’s the story behind those stylish letters, and how did the design change over time to match what people like now? If you’re into design, get ready! We will talk about the history and changes in Prada’s famous logo. You’ll learn about how it was made, the little adjustments, and the plan that keeps it better even today.

Prada Logo Story:

1913 (1st Design):

Let’s check out the story of Prada’s first logo back in 1919. If you’re into design, this is like a fun lesson in how history and smart choices can make a brand look awesome.

Before we dive into the details of the Prada logo, let’s talk about its fancy start. Imagine this: it’s 1919, and Prada is now the official supplier to the Italian royal family. In design talk, that’s like winning big!

This special honour lets Prada use symbols from the House of Savoy’s history in its logo. It was like a dream for any designer! This made Prada different from other brands like Gucci, which didn’t have a fancy royal link.

Now, let’s talk about what made the 1919 Prada logo special and tied to history. The design was smart it used two important things from the House of Savoy’s history: their coat of arms and a rope. But Prada didn’t stop there. They also added their own name in the design. It was a mix of old-time royalty and modern branding, making the Prada brand come alive in one famous picture.

If you’re into symbols and history in design, adding the coat of arms was a big deal. It showed that Prada had a royal connection. The coat of arms meant everything sold with this logo was like it got a special royal stamp of approval for quality and exclusivity.

1913 (2nd Design):

Let’s go back to 1913 and check out Prada’s second big change to its logo. If you’re into design or logos, this one’s a great lesson in keeping things simple and changing with the times.

The first Prada logo was all fancy, with royal stuff like the coat of arms and rope from the House of Savoy. But in 1913, they did something totally different. It was like a king or queen giving up their fancy jewels for a plain, one-colour t-shirt.

They got rid of all the fancy symbols and the shapes around them. What they kept was a simple and classy wordmark. But why did Prada decide to do such a big change?

In 1913, Prada’s change to a simpler logo was like looking ahead. Back then, fancy styles like Art Deco were popular in design.

Choosing a simple logo when everyone liked complicated stuff was a bold move. It said Prada wanted to stand out. Graphic designers, you know, keeping things simple is usually better for making a logo that lasts and works in many ways. And Prada did it just right.

Look at Prada Logo Changes:

Let’s check out the interesting story of how Prada’s logo changed over time. From its fancy start to its simple look now, it’s like an adventure for designers, full of possibilities, just like picking colours for a design. Graphic designers, whether you’re new or experienced, there’s something to learn from this ongoing story of great branding. So, let us get into it, okay?

Royal Start and Smart Placement:

When Prada first got its logo, it was like a royal entrance. They used a coat of arms and a rope from the House of Savoy’s symbols, making a clever move to show Prada as a fancy brand. This made Prada look luxurious right from the start, putting it in the same league as other high-end brands. A smart move to catch everyone’s eye in the market.

Embracing Simplicity:

Around 1913, Prada made a big change to its logo, saying goodbye to the royal stuff and going for a simpler look with just the brand name. This was not just about design; it was a smart move to connect with people worldwide. Keeping it simple helped Prada make a logo that everyone could like a must-know lesson for graphic designers thinking big.

The Power of Words:

For those who are into fonts, here is the part. Focusing only on the brand name also made the type of letters really important. The font choice can make or break a logo, and Prada’s easy sans-serif letters have stayed for a long time. It teaches us that the right kind of letters can show a brand’s values, like luxury and simplicity, without saying much.

Fits Everywhere:

A great logo can work anywhere, and Prada’s logo is a perfect example. The simple design from 1913 looks awesome on fancy fashion tags and digital ads alike. Graphic designers, remember: making a logo that can easily fit different things is a big part of making a brand last.

Staying the Same Inside

Even with big changes, Prada’s logo has always kept its main vibe. From being all royal to the simple look now, it still shouts luxury, quality, and exclusivity. This staying the same thing is what makes it a success in the long run. It tells us that even if a logo’s parts change, its heart should stay the same.


Moreover, that is a wrap, people, a close look at the amazing Prada logo journey. Starting all royal and ending up simple, it is like a class in awesome branding. It is a reminder for us designers that good design is not only about looks; it is also about planning, adjusting, and, most importantly, telling a great story. So, as you work on your next project, remember what Prada taught us. Who knows, you might make the next famous logo we will all be buzzing about.


What background does the Prada logo have?

The original Prada logo is very much based on the style of an Italian royal family. 1919 marked the point when Prada was stated to be the “Official Supplier to Italian Royal Household.” As a result of this fact, the company can now make use of the historical heraldic of the House of Savoy.

What designs does Prada mention above?

1988 witnessed Prada introducing its women’s ready-to-wear collection, where designs were identified by featuring dropped waistlines and narrow belts. Prada’s brand became much more popular within the fashion world as it gained popularity for its clean lines, luxurious fabrics and basic colours.