Skincare Trends To Follow This Year – FaceGym Completely Change The Way You Do Your Skincare

FaceGym Skincare

This post is based on the new skincare trend introduce by FaceGym in US.

Innovation in Skincare regime is what the latest trends are flourishing all where the world. Every morning we wake up and check our social media feeds, we see daily new releases in the skincare routine. New face products and the methods to perform skincare are adding on every morning. In our regular hectic schedule, it is hard to add new products and methods releases every day. So what should we do?

We want to take care of our skin. We all want to keep our skin healthy, radiant and younger-looking. Taking care of your skin need, FaceGym, the first-ever face workout place open in the United Kingdom in 2016, has introduced the notion of standard new skincare trend and facial soothing techniques with effective exercises.

Founded by Inge Theron, FaceGym is delivering the beauty services in which they provide facial workout based on training the 40 muscles of our face. The process varies according to the need of results customer wants like tightening, lifting, detox, de-puffing or sculpting. The ultimate goal behind the workout is to stimulate muscles and restore the skin elasticity.

As like our body workout that includes different stages from warm-up, cardio, sculpting to cool down, hence FaceGym includes the same procedure for facial exercises. For a warm-up, the therapist uses oil and massage it well with fingertips and knuckles penetrating the skin. For cardio, they start intensive and rapid moves – tugging, kneading and pressing points of facial muscles.

In the sculpting process, trainer slides their hands repeatedly under the cheekbones instantly in rounder movements. They use tools like mini-yoga balls for face stretching, gold derma roller to smooth fine lines, wrinkles and boost collagen, a radiofrequency device for removing bagginess and puffiness and EMS (an electrical muscle stimulator) for firming skin.