When it comes to things to talk about with your crush over text, it is essential to find a balance between being interesting and not overwhelming them with too many questions. Here are some conversation topics and questions to ask your crush over text:

Getting to Know Them Better

  • Ask about their interests, hobbies, or passions. This can be a great way to find common ground and learn more about what they enjoy doing in their free time.
  • Talk about their favourite TV shows, movies, books, or music. This can lead to some great conversations and help you discover new things to enjoy together.
  • Ask about their family and friends. This can be a great way to learn more about their support system and values.

Their Day-to-Day Life

  • Ask about their daily routine or what a typical day looks like. This can give you insight into their schedule and habits.
  • Talk about their job or school. This can be a great way to learn more about their career goals and aspirations.
  • Ask about their favourite ways to relax or unwind after a long day.

Shared Experiences

  • Talk about a shared experience together, such as a fun date or a memorable moment. This can help keep the conversation light and nostalgic.
  • Ask about their favorite memories or experiences. This can be a great way to learn more about what makes them happy and what they value.

Light-Hearted and Fun

  • Share a funny story or joke. This can help break the ice and add some humour to the conversation.
  • Play a game or engage in a fun activity together over text, such as trivia or word games.
  • Ask about their favourite type of food or restaurant. This can lead to some great conversations about food and cooking.

Showing Interest and Empathy

  • Ask about their goals and aspirations. This can show that you are interested in their future and willing to listen.
  • Talk about their struggles or challenges. This can help you understand their perspective and show that you care.
  • Ask about their favourite way to spend a weekend or a free day. This can give you insight into their preferences and what they value.


When talking to your crush over the phone, finding topics that allow for a natural flow of conversation and help you build a connection is essential. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Common Interests: Talk about things you both enjoy doing or are passionate about. This can be a great way to find common ground and create a sense of shared excitement. For example, if you both love music, you can discuss your favourite artists, genres, or concerts you have attended.

Goals and Aspirations: Discuss your goals, whether personal or professional. This can help you understand each other’s values and motivations. For example, you can offer support and advice if your crush wants to start their own business.

Quirks and Humor: Share your quirks and sense of humour. This can be a great way to show your crush that you are not perfect and can have fun together. For instance, you can talk about your favourite memes or funny stories.

Deep Questions: Ask deeper questions that can help you understand each other’s values and beliefs. For example, what do you value most in life? What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship?


When it comes to talking to your crush, it is essential to find a balance between being genuine and being entertaining. One way to achieve this is by discussing funny topics that can help break the ice and create a lighthearted atmosphere. Here are some ideas for funny things to talk about with your crush:

  • Ask your crush about childhood memories, such as their first pet, favourite cartoon, or most embarrassing moment. This can lead to hilarious stories and a deeper understanding of their personality.
  • Share your weird habits, or ask your crush about theirs. This can be a great way to find common ground and bond over your quirks.
  • Talk about your phobias or ask your crush about theirs. This can lead to entertaining conversations and a deeper understanding of each other’s fears.
  • Share your most embarrassing moments or ask your crush about theirs. This can be a great way to laugh together and build a connection.
  • Share your favorite weird food combinations, or ask your crush about theirs. This can be a fun way to bond over your love of food.
  • Share your favorite funny songs or ask your crush about theirs. This can lead to great music recommendations and a shared appreciation for humour.
  • Discuss your favourite memes or ask your crush about theirs. This can be a great way to bond over your sense of humour.


When it comes to talking to your crush, it is essential to find common ground and topics that you both enjoy discussing. This can help create a sense of connection and make the conversation flow smoothly. Here are some good things to talk about with your crush:

  • Ask your crush about their favourite hobbies, sports, or activities. This can be a great way to find out what they enjoy doing in their free time and what they are passionate about. You can also share your own hobbies and interests to see if you have any common ground.
  • Talking about travel and adventure can be a great way to explore new places and experiences together. You can ask your crush about their favourite travel destinations, what they like to do on vacation, or what is on their bucket list.
  • Food and drink can be a universal language, and talking about your favourite restaurants, cuisines, or cooking techniques can be a great way to bond. You can also ask your crush about their favourite foodie spots or cooking shows.
  • Discussing movies and TV shows can be a fun way to find out what your crush enjoys watching and what they think about popular shows or movies. You can also ask for recommendations or share your own favourite shows.
  • Music is a great way to connect with others, and talking about your favorite artists, genres, or songs can be a great way to find common ground. You can also ask your crush about their favourite concerts or music festivals.
  • Talking about childhood memories can be a great way to get to know your crush on a deeper level. You can ask about their favourite childhood games, TV shows, or movies or share your favourite memories.
  • Discussing your goals and aspirations can be a great way to find out what your crush is passionate about and what they are working towards. You can also share your own goals and aspirations to see if you have any common objectives.
  • Talking about current events can be a great way to stay informed and engaged. You can discuss news articles, trending topics, or social issues and share your own perspectives.
  • Sharing personal stories and experiences can be a great way to build a connection with your crush. You can talk about your own experiences, challenges, or accomplishments and ask your crush to share theirs.


Conversations with your crush can be exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. Here are some interesting topics you can discuss to get the conversation:

  • Favorites: Discuss their favorite things, such as bands, books, meals, drinks, quotes, and vacation spots. Finding common interests can help you bond.
  • Superpowers: Lighten the mood by asking which superpower they would choose for a day. It is a fun and imaginative topic.
  • Pet Peeves: Everyone has little quirks that annoy them. Inquire about their most bizarre pet peeve—it might lead to interesting stories.
  • Bucket List: Explore what is on their bucket list. Maybe you share some adventurous goals!
  • Hidden Talents: Ask if they have any hidden talents. You might discover something unexpected.
  • Early Bird or Night Owl: Discuss whether they are an early bird or a night owl. It is a playful way to learn about their daily routines.
  • Unpopular Opinions: Find out if they have any unpopular opinions. It can lead to intriguing debates.
  • Music Preferences: Talk about the music they have been listening to lately. Music often sparks great conversations.
  • Zodiac Signs: Playfully ask about their zodiac sign. Whether they believe in astrology or not, it is a light-hearted topic.


What should I talk about with my crush?

Talk about interests you both share, like favorite music or movies. Ask about their dreams and what they enjoy doing for fun.

How do I start a conversation? 

Start with a friendly greeting and maybe a compliment. Then, ask a simple question about their day or comment on something you both know about.

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