Tips For Refreshing Your Exterior Doors


The exterior doors are the representation of your home to some extent. They are the first thing everyone sees before they get to evaluate the rest of the structure. Your entryway should be attractive to look at and also give you and your visitors some welcoming vibes.

The entryway should represent your personality other than meeting functionality needs. It is easy to play around with the appearance of your entryway if you feel like change is needed for the better. The following are some tips on how to refresh your exterior door in a budget-friendly way.

  1. New Paint

The paint of your entry doors is likely to give a long-lasting description. For example, it is not shocking to have people refer to your home as the one with the white door, which means that the color is crucial in how people view your home.

If you want to refresh your home, you can easily paint the door with a different and noticeable color from the existing one.

In most cases, painting a different color on your exterior doors takes little effort or money, as you only need to add an extra coat to the existing one. Evaluate the color that coordinates well with the rest of the structure to avoid color clashing.

If you want more attention to your home, consider super bright colors that can be noticed from miles away. For more chill expressions, consider subtle colors that don’t attract much attention.

  • Add A New Mailbox And House Number

Mailbox and house number play as the door décor to some extent. If you’re existing mailbox and house number are old and worn out, chances are that it is the reason you are finding your door less attractive. Luckily, this is something that you can change without so much effort.

The numbers used on doors and mailboxes are readily available from the local stores and at very affordable prices. Get new and appealing ones to help make your door appear transformed. 

Most people now may be too digital and may not need a mailbox on their doors, but this will add character to your door regardless of whether it is valid. When properly installed next to your door, take time to find the best designs that look beautiful.

  • Use Ribbon On An Updated Wreath

A wreath is something that you may need with every season that passes by. Make sure to leave an ancient and ugly wreath on your doorstep, as this may also make the impression that your home is less appealing.

Getting a new and different wreath may create the illusion that your door is new. To add more definition, make sure to use a ribbon on the wreath, which will make your guests imagine that getting to your home is a gift.

The ribbon can cover only some of the wreath since we are looking for something budget-friendly. Despite how short the ribbon is, as long as it is well placed, it will create that transformation you are looking for in your door. 

  • Use Beautiful Flowers

There is nothing as welcoming as encountering flowers on the exterior doors. Flowers will give your entry a warm and appealing effect, and your guests will be interested in getting inside your home and feeling comfortable in it.

You can get artificial flowers since they are less perishable than life flowers; this way, you can save on costs.

  • Use A Doormat

Using the same doormat all year round may be monotonous. Consider changing your doormat now and then to make your door look different for different seasons or occasions.

The doormat will transform your home, especially for guests who are very attentive to details. Since the doormat may not be easily identified, you can use a big rug underneath to make the mat pop much better. Otherwise, you can customize the mat to pop and attract more attention for a refreshed look.

  • Install Sidelights

Sidelights on your door work magic in transforming your entryway. If you currently have no sidelights but get them installed, people will notice something different with your front door, and some may even think that you changed the door.