Vitamin A Retinol: Know it All About the Same


Our body’s requirement for vitamins and minerals varied accordingly. And, going the same way, a sufficient amount of Vitamin A is needed to keep the body, as well as the skin healthy. While in-taking Vitamin A, you need to be careful about its benefits, drawbacks, and effects that you may face by its deficiency or overdose. To know more about the same, read the following.

What defines Vitamin A Retinol?

Vitamin A Retinol is a supplement of vitamin that remains available on almost every over-the-counter as a nutrient, or in the form of prescription injection Aquasol A in case the high dosage is required.

It is one of four fat-soluble vitamins, and the best way to intake is to have it with food.

The liver approx. 90% of the body’s vitamin A.

Vitamin A exists in various forms, that can be divided into two categories: preformed vitamin A that comes in animal products like dairy and meat, and provitamin A in plants. Provitamin A is being converted to vitamin A in our body.

Deficiency of Vitamin A

The WHO (World Health Organization) explains that the lack of vitamin A is the most known cause of reducible blindness in children all over the world.

A considerable lack of vitamin A weakens the immune system of a child and grows the risk of specific infections, diarrhea, and many other problems.

Pregnant women who suffer from reduced vitamin A levels become prone to night-blindness and also have a risk of dying at pregnancy time.

Vitamin A Supplements & Foods

Beta-carotene that exists in vegetables like sweet potatoes and carrots is a well-known provitamin A.

Dairy products like fortified milk and cheese, halibut, cod, and eggs are also performed Vitmanin A-Rich sources.

Organ meats like liver as well as kidney hold a considerable amount of vitamin A.

Provitamin A sources that are plant-based include broccoli, pumpkin, and green leafy vegetables.

Plant-based sources of Vitamin A don’t have saturated fat or cholesterol content in them.

Vitamin A Benefits

  • Vitamin A helps in improving vision.
  • One of the Vitamin A benefits is it builds a healthy immune system.
  • While considering the factors related to Vitamin A and health, the best one to consider is that it contributes to cell growth.
  • Vitamin A avails you with an optimum level of skin health if consumed properly.
  • If you’re thinking of Vitamin A and Health altogether, then you must know the fact that Vitamin A helps in curing acne, photoaging, and psoriasis.

Warnings before using Vitamin A Supplements

One should not intake Vitamin A supplements if there exists any one ingredient that doesn’t suit one. Otherwise, it may cause some severe allergy.

People who have seen signs of vitamin A toxicity should ignore the supplement.

Consult your doctor before intaking vitamin A if you suffer from:

  • Kidney/Liver disease
  • Alcohol generated problems
  • Issue of acne vulgaris
  • inability to absorb/digest nutrients available in food

Dosage of Vitamin A: When to Take

Vitamin A capsules can be bought from any over-the-counter in doses of 8,000 IU (international units), 10,000 IU/15,000 IU/25,000 IU.

Vitamin A intake varies as per the gender, health condition & age; you can even read the associated guidelines on the site of the National Institutes of Health.

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for women as well as men over 18 years old, is 3,000 mcg (micrograms) per day.

Overdose of Vitamin A

Vitamin A may prove to be toxic if taken high doses.

If you get to know that you’ve taken an overdose of vitamin A, contact to any hospital by explaining it as an emergency.

Skipped Dose of Vitamin A

If you’ve forgotten to take any dose of Vitamin A, just take it as soon as you get to remember the same.

But, if it has been too late, that is approx. about your next dosage timing, then do not try to fulfill the skipped dose, and leave it. You must continue further dose according to the routine.

It is recommended not to double your dose.

Vitamin A Side Effects

Generally, there are no side effects if moderate doses of vitamin A are being taken.

Some severe side effects of Vitamin A are:

These may be caused if the high dosage is taken-

  • Nausea
  • Liver damage
  • Vomiting
  • Sleepiness/Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Coma
  • Changing mental state
  • The enlarged forehead in children
  • Enhanced pressure in the space between the brain and skull