What Is a Bungalow? Pros and Cons of a Bungalow

bungalow features

A bungalow is ordinarily a little, single-story house with an open floor plan and a straightforward structural style.

What Is a Bungalow?

A bungalow is a little cabin-type home, generally worked as a one-story house without steps. Bungalows regularly highlight inclined rooftops, open floor plans, enormous front windows, and wide entryway patios. Famous as single-family homes, bungalows commonly have a parlor, kitchen, and room inside a one to 2,000-square-foot space.

Bungalows started in the Bengal locale of South Asia during the British pioneer control of India in the nineteenth hundred years. The Arts and Crafts development guided the American-style bungalow into noticeable quality during the mid 20th 100 years, and varieties of this style keep on being pursued by property holders all over the planet.

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What’s the Difference Between a Bungalow and a House?

Bungalows are a little sort of house, while a house is a more broad term for some kinds of single and multi-family homes. Bungalow-style homes are ground-level isolated structures frequently including slanted rooftops, dormer windows, fabricated ins, and entryway patios with overhanging roofs. Not at all like conventional two-story homes, most bungalows have negligible area and miss the mark on the second story.

5 Types of Bungalows

While the Craftsman bungalow (otherwise called the American bungalow) alludes to the exemplary bungalow-style house, there are a wide range of bungalow lodging structures that a mortgage holder can purchase or construct.

California: California bungalow configuration utilizes plaster and wood, frequently with shingle siding. This one-story bungalow style includes a slanting rooftop, a sizable yard with overhanging overhang, and an open floor plan. Manufacturers don’t ordinarily utilize blocks to construct this lodging style. Plaster and wood are the favored structure materials and are frequently covered with shingle siding. Engineers Charles Sumner Greene and Henry Mathis Greene spearheaded the California bungalow-style homes to suit Southern California’s environment.

Chicago: Brick-fabricated Chicago bungalows typically highlight one-and-a-half stories over a storm cellar, with steps paving the way to the yard from the road level. Chicago bungalows might highlight dormer windows and an encased receiving area, while the flight of stairs entrance is situated on the house. This lodging style is rectangular and for the most part, includes a standard storm cellar.

Mission: With wide, overhanging overhang and uncovered rafters, a Mission-style bungalow has a hipped or gabled-type rooftop. They may likewise highlight smooth plaster or plastic siding and a Spanish-style tiled rooftop.

Tudor: Seemingly problematic to the bungalow subject, the Tudor-style bungalow includes more multifaceted plan work, like elaborate stacks, point-by-point entryways, and divider cladding. Tudor bungalows have steep-pitched, gabled rooftops, and tall, tight windows with half-timbering. Tudor bungalows mix middle age engineering plans with the basic design of a standard bungalow.

Grassland: Developed by a gathering of Chicago engineers known as the Prairie School (counting part Frank Lloyd Wright), this style has docks to help the patio rooftop, level smokestacks, differentiating divider materials, and Prairie-style windows. The inside might highlight roof pillars and flat woodwork.

Pros and Cons of Bungalows

Consider the benefits and detriments of purchasing a bungalow.

  • Low upkeep: Bungalow rooftops are lower to the ground, making them all the more effectively available for clearing out drains and another design remodels.
  • The simplicity of versatility: Since bungalows frequently don’t have steps, they offer simplicity of portability for individuals with restricted development. The stairless plan is likewise helpful for property holders with more youthful kids who need to stay away from any flight of stairs-related mishaps.
  • Absence of protection: These kinds of homes highlight huge windows at ground level, which can create security issues for certain property holders. Some homebuyers place growth and other foliage around the low-set property to improve protection.
  • Restricted area: Bungalows are little homes the most appropriate for single-family mortgage holders. With open floor plans, bungalows can give difficulties for numerous flatmates or families. A few property holders might separate the entryway patio to make extra living space.

A short history of bungalows

Bungalow houses were initially constructed in Bengal, India, during British rule, maybe as soon as the mid-seventeenth hundred years, where they filled in as relaxed homes for representatives and voyagers. Bungalows were advocated in Britain during the nineteenth hundred years.

Bungalows were promoted in the United States in the mid-twentieth 100 years — particularly in Southern California, where LA’s never-ending suburbia provoked interest for little single-family homes. Since their fundamental characteristics lined up with the compositional developments occurring in Southern California, the bungalow tracked down many supporters among driving voices in engineering and planning. From that point, the style multiplied the nation over, appreciating monstrous notoriety.

In Chicago, bungalows are known as one-and-a-half-story homes with a full cellar. Intended to live on slender city parts, these designs are known to be longer versus more extensive. They highlight block construction, low-pitched hipped rooftops with expansive shades, and yards with steps that rise from road level.

Bungalows were likewise a forerunner to contemporary pre-fab homes. At the level of their ubiquity during the 1930s, a few organizations created bungalow “units,” in which everything required for construction was bundled and shipped off the site and gathered by nearby skilled workers.

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Features of a Bungalow House

We’ve proactively referenced these house plans are commonly one or one-and-a-half stories high. All things considered, the scope of plans that call themselves bungalows has developed throughout the long term, no matter what. Obviously, there are some trademark features of bungalows that characterize them.

A Low Profile

This is the genuine differentiation of a bungalow house. Normally the floor is raised up and front advances are required. The primary thought was to get all the residing space on the principal floor, which makes these sorts of house plans more straightforward to fabricate, says American Bungalow.

At the point when these homes were becoming famous, the American Craftsman development was getting forward movement as a reaction to modern creation. Thus, numerous bungalows were likewise expressions and artworks style.

The huge qualification between Craftsman bungalow style and nonexclusive bungalows is the degree of detail and workmanship, as per Antique Home. All things considered, there are likewise different sorts like the Chicago bungalows and Tudor bungalows. There’s likewise the California bungalow.

Obviously, the “pack” home fabricated by organizations like Sears was a bungalow-style house, yet of the conventional kind. These packs were well known on the grounds that they were reasonable and simple to fabricate.

Open Floor Plan

The word bungalow evokes floor designs that are exceptionally effective with space. A few inside features of bungalows are little storerooms and implicit cupboards and racking. The half stories might not have storage rooms by the same token. The more modest size makes them ideal for singles, couples and the people who need to scale back. Nonetheless, this likewise reduced their prevalence when bigger homes came into vogue.

Now that mortgage holders need more effective homes with a more modest impression – and less upkeep – it’s sensible that the request is resurging.

Noteworthy Craftsman-style bungalow

A refreshed California bungalow-style house made in Coronado has to a greater degree a comfortable, contemporary feel than a conventional sort, yet radiates fascination galore. Revamped by QualCraft and initially worked during the 1940s, the inside has loads of period subtleties with present-day, savvy home highlights concealed under.

The terrace has a lot of private space while the patio likewise has a wide segment ideal for seating.

Low-Pitched Roof

As indicated by Antique Home, low-pitched rooftops are normal for this design style. They can be gabled rooftops or hipped rooftops. Bungalows likewise normally include profound overhanging roofs and might have uncovered rafters. The bigger shades assist with protecting the house from direct daylight. These shades likewise give bungalow homes yard rooftops and consider a half story more level.

Alongside the low-pitched slanting rooftop, one of the central traits of a bungalow home is the three-sided knee support that joins the rooftop to the façade. As indicated by Wentworth Design, these beautifying supports were intended to recommend that the shafts supporting the rooftop rafters stretched out.

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Fundamental Large Front Porch

Presumably, the most notable element that characterizes what is a bungalow is its huge yard. 

As it were, bungalows were relatively radical. The present home inclinations remember highlights that bring the outside for. That is precisely the exact thing the covered entryway patio on a bungalow home does. Basically, the overhanging overhang of the house makes patio rooftops.

A major patio on a little house could appear to be awkward. In any case, the Bungalow Company composes that:

“When worked onto a little house, a patio needs to act as extra residing space to legitimize its utilization of the restricted area.”

Level Chimney

Bungalows and skilled worker-style homes frequently have a chimney as the point of convergence in the residing region. Most bungalow homes have level fireplaces situated along the edge of the house. Elaborate chimney stacks would slow down the general look of the bungalow roofline, so they ordinarily have level smokestacks all things being equal.

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Frequently  Asked Questions (FAQ)

What makes a house a bungalow?

A bungalow-style house by and large is a one or one-and-a-half-story structure. These homes have a low-pitched, inclined rooftop. Characterizing characteristics incorporate dormer windows and an entryway patio or veranda with overhanging roof. Many have block construction or stone for the patio and level stacks rather than intricate fireplaces.

Bungalows are little in area contrasted with the typical home. They are normal in metropolitan regions and not as famous in country regions. The insides regularly incorporate heaps of normal materials like wood or stone.

What is the distinction between a bungalow and a specialist home?

A great many people use “expert” and “bungalow” reciprocally however there is a distinction. The expression “Skilled worker” connects with the Arts and Crafts development. A skilled worker is an inside style as well as a design style. In any case, the term bungalow portrays the design and format overall

For what reason is it called a bungalow?

The word bungalow comes from India. It’s established in a Hindustani word signifying “a house in the Bengali style.” It became normal in English during the time of British rule over India.

Are bungalows hard to sell?

Genuine bungalows are extremely well known and will hold or build their worth. This is on the grounds that more established property holders are hoping to scale down and first-time homebuyers love them. Then again, the tide could change in the event that cutting back turns out to be less well known and bungalow floor plans lose prevalence.

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