Why is Organic Beauty Products So Expensive?


Organic skin products are all rage nowadays. Right from the skincare to food, movement towards holistic healing and healthy living is gaining huge momentum. We’re told that anything that is labeled organic has to be good for us.

We generally think that whatever is expensive must be superior, and very importantly, effective. Right? However, are certified organic and natural skincare really worth this hype and higher cost tags? After deep research, we have discovered some top reasons why the certified organic skincare products are expensive – and why they are worth it. Before seeing that, it is also to be noted that even famous beauty bloggers like Amanda Jo Organic Bunny once was using chemical cosmetic makeup products and then started changing to organic way after realizing the long term side effects of chemical products with more toxins. So, in single word, this type of change among people way is the reason for the high price. There are also other good effects. Let’s see them one by one:

Organic beauty products are made from natural ingredients:

Now go through the ingredients lists label of the organic beauty products. You would probably recognize most of the items listed there. The certified organic skincare products are generally derived from the plants or naturally occurring ingredients.

Very importantly, the organic ingredients are generally grown without the use of the herbicides, pesticides, genetically modified organisms, synthetic fertilizers, or other additives and chemicals. With this, you are sure your body and skin absorb just real and natural ingredients, which are not very harmful.

Ingredients Source

For the certified organic skin care products, plants used for the ingredients to make are grown in the farms by using the safer pesticides, and farmers refrain from using any kind of chemicals for growing their plants. These ingredients are 1.5 – 2 times costlier expensive than the non-organic ones, because of the time it takes to grow.


The OTC brands are generally filled with fragrance, preservatives, emulsifiers, texture or feel, improving their chemicals—and leaving very little margin for the real natural oils that have to be the primary source of nourishment for your skin. For this reason, they have the longest shelf life.

Alternatively, natural products are worth every penny as you will use less of the potent product because they have high concentrations of good ingredients for your skin. The organic products have got shorter shelf life their botanical list of ingredients have limited “life” & break down after some time.

Higher effectiveness

The organic skin care products work much better than one filled with the synthetic materials. It is because they’re made with the superior ingredients. Just think of being in a kitchen. Whenever you make the dish with pure, fresh and natural ingredients, you will bet it tastes much tastier than the processed dishes that are rich in the artificial flavor. Even skin care products work in the same way. The better ingredients will lead to the better results, and more so when you have got sensitive skin.

Value for your money

It is one misconception that the organic beauty and makeup product is expensive than the mainstream brands. Normally, organic beauty products are same as one found in a mainstream beauty industry. Actually, organic products are much cheaper than the higher-end products out there.

Moving to the organic skin care products, they are recommended for many different reasons. They’re more nourishing, relatively cheap and healthy.  Keep in mind, your skin is a large organ and requires lots of care and that is possible when you start using organic beauty product.

Organic beauty products will not have allergic reaction

Without any harsh chemicals, the organic beauty products will not cause any kind of allergic reactions, inflammations and irritations. Suppose nay allergic reaction happens with use of the organic products, it will likely be because of the natural ingredient (like peanuts and strawberries) that will be simple to identify.

Organic beauty products work much better

Organically grown plants are found to have higher level of antioxidant vitamins than the non-organic plants. As they’re grown without any pesticides and herbicides, the organic ingredients are free from the contamination that means same for your body and skin.

Furthermore, over 95% of the organic beauty product’s contents are the active ingredients. In the synthetic beauty products, active ingredients just make up 5 – 10% of the contents.


When you are using organic skin care products, you will reduce your environmental impact. One thing is you do not need to worry about the chemicals going down in a drain as there will be no chemicals within. You also can look for the organic skin care brands that got their ingredients from the local farms or suppliers.