Are Deer With Fangs Real?


DEER WITH FANGS – Nevertheless, if you look a tiny bit closer, you’ll see that the “Deer with fangs” are more than just their rounded ears and protruding teeth. They’re not as frightening as they might seem. 

They lead fascinating, thrilling lives and are a species in danger of extinction. Are you interested in discovering all about some of nature’s most bizarre creatures? Continue reading!

What kind of animal is the water deer? 

Water deer are fluffy, four-legged animals that, from a distance, resemble normal deer. But after you change the binoculars’ magnification, you can tell them apart. 

They will not have antlers to start. Both men and women lack them. Although their Latin name means “without armour.” 

Compared to typical deer, they have thicker, stockier bodies. Comparing water deer to their relatives, they might appear rather chunky!

Last but not least, water deer have large front teeth that protrude from their mouth. All of those are just very long canines, despite being usually called “fangs” or “tusks.” 

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What distinguishes water deer from China and Korea? 

The water deer has 2 subspecies. China is home to the first species, Hydropotes inermis inermis. Korea is home to the second species, Hydropotes inermis argyropus. The breeds hardly differ from one another at all. Anecdotal data says that the Korean water deer may be a little bit smaller and a little further reddish-brown rather than true brown, but that’s about it. Their genetic makeup is identical in theory.

Can you find water deer outside of Asia? 

Water deer had established residences outside of their native Asia, including in France, Argentina, England, and some areas of the United States. 

They were initially brought to Great Britain in the 1870s, and through escapes, transfers, and breeding initiatives, they became able to colonize several foreign countries.

Are water deer hostile animals? 

Although not aggressive against people, water deer could become highly aggressive toward other animals of the same species. 

Males are fiercely possessive and use a variety of techniques to define their territory: 

  • They’ll scent-mark a territory they claim with a mixture of excrement and pee. 
  • To disperse their fragrance, they will also dig trenches & rub their head all across logs, branches, and trees. 
  • Some people would even chew off reeds and branches to identify their territory.

Men will battle over females whenever the rutting season is in full swing. They start stabbing and scratching one another with the sharp points of their long, hard teeth, using them as battering rams. 

Wild water deer frequently sustain injuries in fights, leaving them with scarring on their faces or torn ears.

Vampire Deer: The Origin of Some Deer’s Fangs!

Everyone knows that a deer’s antlers, which have numerous prongs that branch skyward to form a majestic crown, are the animal’s most distinctive characteristic. On the other hand, did you realize that certain deer have true, natural fangs? Musk & water deer possess long, pointed canines that extend over the lower jaw, collectively referred to as “fanged” or “vampire” deer.

Do male water deer have any ritualized combat behaviors? 

Yes. Whenever two males are battling for dominance, they will approach one another slowly and stiffly before rotating to move parallel to one another as they evaluate each other. 

A male may decide that the fight is not worth it, in which case he may turn and leave while the other male pursues him while making loud clicking noises. 

The moment the combat begins, the fangs stick out, and the ears are torn off. The great news is that most fights don’t end in death. 

Ultimately, the losing male will force the other to submit by lying his neck and head down on the ground, and the victor will release him without further injury.

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Why do people refer to water deer as vampire deer?

Water deer are sometimes referred to as “vampire deer” because of its long, pointed canines. 

These teeth, which slope downward with their hard edges towards the ground on a calm water deer, are nothing to be concerned about. 

Nevertheless, you’ll notice that water deer who feel threatened or are defending their territory will back away their lips and stick out their teeth in a double-edged attack. 

It can be unsettling to see something so adorable!

How was the name “water deer” derived? 

The moniker “water deer” refers to their favored environment. As a result of their proximity to brooks, bogs, rivers, and other bodies of water, the nickname was pretty much inevitable. 

Hydropotes inermis, their medical term, is derived from two different languages: 

  • The Greek word “hydropotes” derives from the phrases “water” and “the action of drinking.” 
  • Latin’s inermis implies “unarmed” or “without protection.” The terms “without” and “armour” are actual words. It alludes to the absence of antlers in aquatic deer.

Deer population explosion in Great Britain!

Great Britain, where a handful of breeds of fanged deer strayed from zoos or were placed in the wild by a few wells (but misinformed) persons many years ago, is one place where they are doing exceptionally nicely even though most fanged deer are threatened. 

These vampire deer are currently enslaving the island because of an abundance of plants, the absence of natural predators, and a rapid reproduction rate. Deer are now so numerous that they are viewed as a problem due to the extensive harm they do to gardens & natural areas, not to mention the hundreds of traffic accidents they wreak each year.

One point is certain: deer with fangs are distinctive and are worth protecting, notwithstanding the inconsistent success of these animals in various parts of the world. Just picture a full-sized deer with fangs the next moment you see one!

Massive Profits from Little Deer:-

While deer with fangs are fairly spectacular, you won’t see many out in the open because most of them are rather secretive. This is likely a good thing as well, as most fanged deer are currently in danger of extinction because of hunting and habitat destruction.

For the musk glands, which are utilized in perfume and traditional Asian medicine, poachers are likely to affect musk deer. Musk is so precious that it is worth more than its weight in gold, which is a lot of money for a would-be poacher. However, the company cannot be sustained at the rate at which these creatures are now being destroyed.

What distinguishes musk deer from water deer? 

There are many commonalities between water deer as well as musk deer. They are tiny and stocky, lack antlers, and also have teeth. 

But when it comes right down to it, they are not the same animal: 

  • Although musk deer are mostly found in the Himalayas, water deer are native to China, Korea, and other Asian countries.
  • Although musk deer are unafraid to wander into fields & mountains, water deer tend to stay closer to water supplies. 
  • Additionally, musk deer have a substantial, hefty scent gland that lies beneath their genitalia and is quite desirable on the illicit market. 

Occasionally, hunters trying to make money from a musk deer don’t understand they have the incorrect animal and end up killing water deer.

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What variety of deer have fangs or tusks? 

Wild tusked deer come in a variety of species, which include: 

  1. Muntjacs
  2. Musk deer
  3. Tufted deer
  4. water deer 

There are numerous subspecies as well. You are already familiar with Chinese and Korean water deer. 

A few dozen different species of musk deer exist, though, such as the dwarf musk deer, the black musk deer, as well as the white-bellied musk deer.

Do water deer have a social life? 

No. Male water deer, specifically, are indeed very possessive regarding their territory, so they do not like trespassers. Water deer are solitary animals that only gather together just for mating. 

Small groups of females occasionally coexist in the same region because they are somewhat more hospitable, but these connections are only fleeting. 

They’ll run off separately in an “every woman for herself” fashion if a predator approaches. 

To ensure the location is secure for the fawns, females have been observed chasing other females away before and after giving birth.

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In conclusion, the article has attempted to give you information about “deer with fangs”. I hope the language in this post regarding vampire deer is clear and understandable.


Q1) which deer has fangs?

Ans- Water deer are endemic to China and Korea and are sometimes referred to as vampire deer due to their fangs.

Q2) Is Chinese deer water real?

Ans- The Yangtze River basin in China & Korea’s lush river bottoms are home to Chinese water deer, a relatively small Asian deer of the Cervidae family.

Q3) What is the smallest deer with fangs?

Ans- The southern pudu is slightly bigger than the northern pudu, making the pudus the tiniest deer in the world.