DINOSAURS WITH HORNS – Many animals alive now have horns, like deer, elk, moose, and goats, but several dinosaurs had horns millions of years ago. This post will teach you about ten dinosaurs with horns and what made each one special. Even though dinosaurs have been gone for hundreds of millions of years, a lot can be learned by studying ancient artefacts like fossils.

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In addition to aiding in dating the dinosaur’s time period, fossils also shed light on how dinosaurs interact with their environment. Horns were uncommon in other types of dinosaurs, but it was an inherited characteristic in ceratopsian dinosaurs. All ten dinosaurs on the following list have horns, although each species’ horns are arranged differently to give each dinosaur a unique appearance.

1. Carnotaurus

One species, Carnotaurus sastra, belongs to the horned dinosaur genus Carnotaurus. One of the few horned carnivorous dinosaurs with horns species is this one. In the period known as the Late Era, between 69 and 71 million years ago, the Carnotaurus inhabited South America.

The Carnotaurus was an upright, two-legged theropod without feathers. Carnotaurus has only one known fossil; however, it is almost entirely preserved. The Carnotaurus sastrei specimen was sufficiently well-preserved to include imprints of its skin, demonstrating that it had lizard-like scales.

Carnotaurus sastrei was around 29 feet (9 meters) tall and weighed about 3309 pounds (1500 kgs). The head of this species was tiny, with a short snout and a horn over each eye. Small prey, as well as larger ones like sauropods, were eaten by the carnotaurus. This species might have protected its head & thick neck with its horns or used them for hunting.


2. Machairoceratops 

Another on our list of dinosaurs with horns is the Machairoceratops. The Machairoceratops were one of many horned dinosaurs that lived during the Late Cretaceous epoch. Like many other horned dinosaurs, this species belongs to the Ceratopsidae family. The fossils of Machairoceratops, which lived in North America, were discovered in southern Utah. The Greek words “ceratops” and “machairis” denote bent sword-honoured faces, combined to form its name.

This dinosaur with horns was approximately 26 feet (8 meters) long and weighed between 2,000 and 4,000 lbs. This species’ only complete skeleton was its partial cranium. This species has a curled crest on its head and horns over its eyes.


3. Torosaurus

A genus of horned Ceratopsid dinosaurs known as Torosaurus flourished in the Late Cretaceous. This genus has two species:

●T. latus

●T. utahensis 

These dinosaurs are a relatively rare species, and only seven fossils have ever been discovered. Due to their similar fossilized skulls, torosaurus was sometimes mistakenly identified as an identical species to triceratops. Palaeontologists had to spend years studying their skeletons to determine that these dinosaur species’ fossils weren’t from the same dinosaur.

The Torosaurus was big, a substantial Ceratopsian with a length of roughly 30 feet (9.1 meters) and a weight of approximately 13,000 lbs (5896 kg). The head of this species was one of the biggest of any terrestrial mammal, measuring around 9 feet (2.7 meters) long. They had a big frill over their eyes and two big horns on their head. Future research could determine whether this species is unique as more dinosaur fossils are discovered.

4. Achelousaurus

The Achelousaurs are a species of Ceratopsian that lived in the late Cretaceous period and were first identified through Jack Horner in 1987. This dinosaur with horns was found in Montana but once roamed present-day North America. They were herbivores and used their enormous size and horns to protect themselves. This species’ fossilization and other dinosaurs demonstrate that it travelled in herds.

The achelousaurus, one of the smaller Ceratopsian dinosaurs, was about 20 feet extended and weighed about 6,600 pounds (2993.71 kg). This species’ horns are found on the highest point of its frill rather than on its brow. They have a beaked mouths and a vast bony bumps on their snout.

5. Pachyrhinosaurus

A horned dinosaur called the Pachyrhinosaurus lived in the Late Cretaceous. This genus contains the three species P. canadensis & P. lakustai, & P. perotorum, which have all been identified. These prehistoric animals travelled in packs while living in North America. They were herbivores like other Ceratopsian dinosaurs. This species’ fossils are typically discovered alongside others, indicating they travelled in groups.

The distinctive feature of Pachyrihinsouars is the huge bony hump on its nose. They possessed larger frills on their heads, smaller ram-like horns on top, and considerably smaller horns on their faces than other horned dinosaurs. The pachyrhinosaurus reached a maximum length of approximately 26 feet (7.9 meters) and a maximum of 8,800 pounds (3991 kgs).


6. Avaceratops

The Avaceratops is another one on the list of dinosaurs with horns. The Avaceratops is one of the tiniest species of Ceratopsidae ever found. Their mature length was predicted to range from 7.5 – (2.3 to 4.2 meters). This species’ bones were unearthed in Montana, while the fossil’s proximity to other dinosaurs indicates that the species likely travelled North America in packs.

Being one of the smaller Ceratopsian dinosaurs in North America and reproducing by laying eggs, like other Ceratopsian dinosaurs, they were probably preyed upon by the nearby predatory species.



7. Pentaceratops

The Pentaceratops had one of the most giant skulls of any animal in the world, growing as tall as 10 feet (3 meters). Being a massive member of the Ceratospidae family, they could reach lengths of up to 25 feet (7.62 meters). Its enormous skull and five horns distinguish the Pentaceratops. Only a few of these dinosaur remains have been discovered, and most were found in New Mexico’s San Juan New Basin.

As a herbivore, this dinosaur consumed vegetation growing on the ground. They could eat huge plants like ferns & conifers thanks to their sharp beak. Pentaceratops occupied North America throughout the Creatcaseous eras 83.5 – 66 million years ago.

8. Albertaceratops

The Albertaceratops is a North American-dwelling Ceratopsian dinosaur named after the region where it was found. Two fossils extracted from the dirt are how we first learned about this species, found in Alberta, Canada. They were herbivores & four-legged creatures that lived in the late Cretaceous era.

Albertaceratops measured approximately 19 feet (5.7 meters) in length and weighed about 7,700 pounds (3492 kgs). The dinosaur in question had broad frills and long brown horns. They have a beak-like mouth and a bony bump on their nose. They were believed to employ the horns upon their heads for display or for duelling.


9. Triceratops

One of the most recognised Cretaceous dinosaurs, the Triceratops, lived in what now constitutes North America and is one of the most amazing well-known dinosaurs. There are two species in this genus, which is a member of the Ceratopsidae family:

● Terrible Triceratops

● Triceratops the dinosaur

The triceratops grows to a height of about 9.8 feet (2.9 meters) and measures approximately 30 feet (9.1 meters) long when fully grown. They had horns that protruded from their snout and over their eyes and a big frilled head. Its horns could reach a length of 4 feet (1.2 meters) long. For fighting and defence against other dinosaurs, triceratops used their horns.


10. Kosmoceratops

Kosmoceratops, which translates to “ornate horned face” in Greek, refers to the dinosaur with its biggest horns. In the Late Cretaceous, this species lived about 76 million years ago. The Escalante National Monuments in Southern Utah is where the Kosmoceratops species, which is native to what is now North America and possesses a total of 15 horns, was discovered.

On this species, the horns were more for decoration than for use in combat. These 15 horns were probably employed to scare other dinosaurs and impress mates. On the Kosmoceratops frill’s top are ten horns, one above each eye. In comparison to other Ceratops dinosaurs, their frill is smaller.

The Kosmoceratops was a huge species, measuring 15 feet (5 meters) in length. Their skull is 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall by itself. They solely eat plants, and their approximate weight is 2.5 tonnes (5511.56 pounds). Only two Kosmoceratops fossils have been discovered, and one of them is a nearly complete skull that displays the creature’s numerous horns.


In conclusion, the article has attempted to explain “DINOSAURS WITH HORNS”. I hope the language in this post is clear and understandable.