DO THE DEAD KNOW WE MISS AND LOVE THEM – The inevitable conclusion of life is death. Everyone feels death differently, whether it’s someone you cherish, a close companion, or a stranger. Therefore, the crucial question is whether or not the deceased can perceive our love and loss for them.

Because our thoughts and feelings are transmitted through energy frequency levels, even the dead can sense that we miss and love them. Even the dead can read these frequency levels. You can use these energy levels to interact if you’d like to let them understand how you feel.

There are many ideas regarding the deceased, and each concept affects how we feel regarding them. This article will discuss these ideas and other techniques you might employ to communicate your feelings to the deceased.

In this article, you will read about “DO THE DEAD KNOW WE MISS AND LOVE THEM” .

Knowing our feelings towards the dead, how do different religions view them?


There is a widespread conviction in the spiritual community that people transform into spirits after death. They think that based on our relationship, these spirits will usually take care of us. Some ghosts transform into unfavourable forces, while others become protective angels. These ghosts act by our thoughts and follow us around like a shadow. So, if we care about or miss them, they will let us know.


The Bible indicates that after death, people are greeted into the afterlife. It is stated that the departed will care for you if you have a bond. They act as a defender for you and support you on your trip.

Some individuals think they have communication with the dead. In various passages of the Bible, people communicate with those who have passed on. Therefore, according to the Bible, the deceased know our love and loss for them.


Do the deceased understand that Muslims love and miss them? According to Islam, after a person dies, their spirit enters the Barzakh, a transitional state between this life and the Day of Judgement.

According to the Quran, the dead are somewhat aware of how the living behaves and feels, even when expressing their love and grief. They include being unable to reply to or converse with the living actively.

Following the teachings of the Quran, “You can’t make the dead hear” (Quran 27:80). This passage places special emphasis on the division between the worlds of the living & the dead. Although it is normal to feel love and mourn those who have died away, these emotions serve more as a means of personal healing and recollection than as a manner of communicating with the deceased.

Islam urges adherents to concentrate on upholding their duties to the living, such as being kind, compassionate, and loving to their family, friends, and community members. Instead of attempting to forge ties with the dead, we focus on fortifying our connections with the living.

The deceased may be aware of our acts and sentiments, but they cannot actively participate in or react to our emotions. Honour their memory instead, ask God to protect them, and spend time strengthening your connections with the living. By doing this, we will meet our commitments and show how much we care for both the living & the dead.


Buddhism holds that a person’s soul wanders the planet for a while before finding its new incarnation after death. These beings are aware of our thoughts as it is happening and tend to cling to their former existence. The deceased can now understand how we feel about them.

The deceased cease feeling our thoughts once they transition into their next state of existence, and their previous memories vanish. However, in some situations, people discuss their past lives and explain how their loved ones feel about their passing.


Depending on their actions, people will enter paradise or the underworld after passing away. There have been several communication cases between living people and the dead in the afterlife. Even though it was prohibited and regarded as dark magic, people continued to practice it.

So, it’s thought that those who have passed away can still interact with them and express their feelings, including how much they would be missed.

How may we convey our feelings to the deceased?

It may be an extremely sad time when someone you care about passes away, and many individuals need to keep in contact with the deceased one.

Even though connecting with dead people may seem ludicrous to some, numerous religious communities offer practices & rituals that are believed to help close the divide between the living & the dead. Through prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices, we can communicate with the dead and maintain a connection with them.

Simple methods to express our feelings to the deceased

Making a monument or burial plot in someone’s honour is one method to show the deceased that we still miss them. This might serve as a lovely reminder about their life & the significance they had for us.

Additionally, it’s crucial to stay in touch with the deceased. Flowers and letters can be sent to let them know we’re still thinking of them. Writing a letter might also help facilitate contact when we want to ask them a specific question about their life before they pass away.

Beyond these straightforward techniques, there are more ways to convey our love and loss for the deceased.

We must convey our emotions if we want someone to understand them. Similarly, we must tune in at the right frequency to allow the dead to understand that we are missing them. In other words, how can we tune in to the right frequency to express our emotions?

You can communicate your feelings towards the deceased using one of two approaches.

Method 1: Envision yourself talking to them

We shall employ visualization to interact with the deceased, as you might infer from the header. If the deceased was your close friend or relative, this strategy works wonders. Let’s look at several visualization techniques.

A component of manifestation is visualisation. With this technique, we’ll see ourselves conversing with a spiritual being. Go somewhere dark and lie down comfortably to start.

Next, it’s time to relax your eyes & picture yourself stepping into the spirit realm. Imagine moving up to the deceased person. Imagine talking to that individual in your mind.

Tell everyone and everything you require to let out now. Inform them of your affection for them and how much you miss them. Inform them of the ways they will live on in your mind forever. Finally, ask angels to watch over you and be by your side.

Drink some tea and do breathing meditation once you finish this session. Relax and use self-control.

You must repeatedly use this strategy to show the deceased your love and how much you miss them.

Technique 2: the candlelight meditation technique

As before, proceed to your peaceful location. These candles should be the only light source. One large candle should be placed in front of you and yours.

Currently, relax in your chair and gaze at the candle’s flame right in front of you. The individual with whom you want to speak comes to mind.

All that’s left to do is speak with them now. You have to express your emotions to them, just like in the previous way.

For a few days, keep up this practice until you start to recognise that person’s face directly in the flame. If you observe their face, then your message has been received.

You can cease using this technique once you see their face and move on with the rest of your life. Remember that after the sessions are over, you must let go of them. Keep them out of your life’s focus. It is detrimental to your vibratory energy.

Do our departed loved ones think of us and miss us?

Yes, our heavenly loved ones do remember us and miss us dearly. They appreciate everything we accomplished while we were still living, but they especially appreciate the times we could spend with them. Even though we don’t always express it outwardly, they know our sincere and genuine affection for them.

They also understand that despite the fact we are no longer physically connected, we will always adore them. All of us are interconnected; as long as we keep each other in mind and care for them, that interconnection will endure.


In conclusion, the article has attempted to explain “DO THE DEAD KNOW WE MISS AND LOVE THEM”. I hope the language in this post is clear and understandable.