Farewell Speech For Students

farewell speech

Farewell Speech – Hello, everyone. I am very happy and honoured to be here today to give this farewell speech to our graduating students. You have all worked hard and achieved a lot in your academic journey. You have made us proud with your excellence, creativity, and leadership.

You have also made many friends and memories that will last a lifetime. Today, we are here to celebrate your success and wish you all the best for your future. In this article, we are going to tell some amazing formats of farewell speeches for students. Have a look at the formats:

Long Farewell Speech

In this list of formats of farewell speeches, I have given three formats for farewell speeches. Let’s check:

First Format

As you prepare to leave this school and enter a new phase of your life, I would like to share some words of wisdom and advice with you. First, I want to remind you that learning never stops. You have acquired a lot of knowledge and skills in this school, but there is always more to learn and discover.

The world is changing fast, and you need to keep up with the latest trends and innovations. So, I request you to keep reading, exploring, and asking questions. Never stop being curious and eager to learn new things.

Second format

I want to encourage you to follow your passion and dreams. You have a unique talent that can make a difference in the world. You have a vision and a purpose that can inspire others.

Do not let anyone or anything stop you from pursuing what you love and what you believe in. Be confident and courageous in your choices and actions. Be true to yourself and your values. Be the best version of yourself that you can be.

Third Format

I want to advise you to be respectful and responsible. You are going to meet a lot of people from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. You need to be open-minded of their views and opinions.

You need to be polite in your communication and behaviour. You also need to be accountable for your decisions and consequences. You need to be honest and ethical in your dealings and transactions. You need to be a good citizen and a good human being.

10 Lines on a Farewell Speech By Students Leaving School

Here are 10 lines on a farewell speech by students leaving school:

  • Begin by greeting your audience and thanking them for their presence and support.
  • Mention some of the memorable moments and achievements that you have shared with your classmates, teachers, and school staff.
  • Express your gratitude to your teachers for their guidance, encouragement, and inspiration.
  • Acknowledge the role of your school in shaping your personality, values, and skills.
  • Appreciate your friends for their friendship, fun, and laughter.
  • Share your hopes and dreams for the future and wish everyone success and happiness.
  • Thank your parents and family for their love, care, and sacrifice.
  • Conclude by saying goodbye and expressing your emotions.
  • Invite your audience to join you in a final cheer or song for your school.
  • End with a quote or a slogan that reflects your school spirit.


In conclusion, I want to congratulate you once again on your graduation and commend you for your achievements. You have made us all very proud and happy. You have also made a lasting impression on this school and its community. You will always be a part of us, and we will always be here for you.

We hope that you will stay in touch and keep us updated on your progress and achievements. We wish you all the best for your future and hope that you will find happiness and fulfilment in whatever you do. Thank you for listening and goodbye.