What is the Full Serenity Prayer About

serenity prayer full

The Full Serenity Prayer is a famous prayer known by many, whether religious or not. When life gets tough, people can use the serenity prayer to find some comfort. This prayer talks about four big ideas: staying calm, being brave, embracing things as they are, and being wise.

One important part is realizing that you just cannot control some things, and it is okay to admit that. Acceptance can be tough, but with practice, it brings a sense of peace.

More About Being Brave

Being brave in the full serenity prayer means having the guts to change what you can and figuring out what you cannot.

When life gets hard, it is natural to wonder what to do. Some things you can change, and some you cannot. The trick is concentrating on what you can change right now. That is how you find peace in your everyday life.

How the Full Serenity Prayer Helps?

The serenity prayer is like a little helper, bringing relief, comfort, and peace. People usually say the serenity prayer either out loud or in their minds.

It works by making folks think about the here and now, bringing to mind the important things the prayer talks about.

Who Turns to the Full Serenity Prayer?

The serenity prayer is for everyone. However, it is often used by people recovering from addictions. Groups like Alcoholics Anonymous say this prayer every day.

It is not just the church folks and others facing tough times who also say it. Anyone having a tough time or looking for peace can use the full serenity prayer.

Why People Say the Serenity Prayer?

When things get tough, folks turn to the serenity prayer. People use it for various reasons. 

Some pray with it, some use it to think, and others just like having it as a daily reminder.

How Many Ways to Say the full Serenity Prayer?

As more people started using it, the serenity prayer got different versions. Online, you can find about 16 variations, and there are also other prayers with similar meanings.

How the Original and Full Serenity Prayers Differ?

Reinhold Niebuhr made the first serenity prayer. Here is how it is: 

“Dear God, give us the calm to accept what cannot change, bravery to change what can, and smarts to know the difference through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.”

Using the Serenity Prayer

You can say the serenity prayer in your head or out loud when things get tough. It helps when you feel overwhelmed. Some people read it or write it down in a journal, too.

Why the full Serenity Prayer Was Written?

The serenity prayer was the first part of a talk by Reinhold Niebuhr. Later, it ended up in newspapers. Someone from Alcoholics Anonymous found it, shared it, and it became well-known in the community.

What AA Says About Serenity?

According to AA, to find peace, you need to accept things. It is not about giving up but about understanding what you cannot control and having the courage to change what you can.

It means figuring out what you can and cannot control for those in recovery. Focus on what you can change instead of worrying about the past or things you cannot change. Learning to let go and accept takes time, especially in recovery.

Using the full Serenity Prayer Every Day

Lots of folks include the serenity prayer in their daily thinking. Some say it is every day to remember accepting things and being brave. It is also used in daily meditation to bring calm during tough times or to ease stress.

Non-religious Serenity Prayer

The serenity prayer works for everyone, whether you are religious or not. Here is a version without mentioning God:

“Give me the calm to accept what I cannot change, the bravery to change what I can, and the smarts to know the difference.”

Why Serenity Matters in Recovery

Serenity is super important for overcoming challenges in recovery. It helps people feel calm and content without relying on substances.

How the Serenity Prayer Aids in Recovery?

It makes you okay with things and situations you cannot control and helps you be brave about the tough things. For someone dealing with substance use, wanting control might get in the way of finding peace.

The serenity prayer is like a spiritual helper used in many 12-step recovery groups.

Why Do Positive Thoughts Matter in Recover?

Positive thinking is a big help when things get tough during recovery. It lets you see the good parts, enjoy being sober, and learn a whole new way of living.

Being positive lowers the chance of going back to old habits. It keeps you from getting stuck in negative thoughts and feelings that might make you want to use it again.

What Serenity Means in Recovery?

In recovery, serenity is about being okay with things you cannot control and feeling peaceful without using substances. Addiction usually brings chaos and trouble. People might use substances to find peace or numb their pain, but it often makes things worse.

Serenity means not needing substances to find peace anymore.

Mental Health and the full Serenity Prayer

Accepting What You Cannot Change:

To accept things you cannot change, pay attention to what you can control. Being mindful and living in the moment helps you focus on what is happening now without stressing about the past or future.

Positive thinking is a boost. It reminds you of good things that you are thankful for and pushes you towards happiness and the life you want.

How Do You Accept Something That Hurts You?

Accepting something painful is tough and needs time and effort to understand. Let yourself feel the emotions instead of ignoring them. Ignoring can make things worse.

Be kind to yourself. People may blame themselves in hard times, feel down, or forget self-care. It is important to take care of yourself.

How Can I Start Moving On?

Moving on takes time, patience, and care. It is not easy for many, but resisting it just makes it harder. To move on, understand the situation as it is. 

Do not worry about the future, focus on the now. Mindfulness, or paying attention to the present, can help with past or future stress.

Getting out of your comfort zone is part of moving on. Do things you did not think you could and do not fear change. It gives you more space to grow.

Accepting Reality and Moving On

Acceptance is a big part of the serenity prayer. However, it is really hard for many. Start by noticing if you are fighting against what is happening. Know that you cannot change the past. Do not be hard on yourself for feeling upset or scared. It is okay. Feel those emotions and learn how to handle them in a good way.

Imagine what accepting reality looks like, even if it is tough right now. Changing how you act and think can help you accept reality, even if it is a struggle.

Changing Your Life for Happiness:

To find happiness, try these things:

  • Mindfulness: Focus on the present.
  • Take Care of Your Body: Eat well, rest, and exercise.
  • Gratitude: Think about what you are thankful for.
  • Acknowledge Feelings: Face and work through your emotions.
  • Trust Yourself: Believe in yourself and, if you do, in a Higher Power.
  • Do What You Enjoy: Spend time on things you like.
  • Meditation and Breathing: Practice to calm your mind.
  • Be with Loved Ones: Spend time with people who make you happy.
  • Accept and Let Go: Embrace and release.
  • Consider Therapy: Professional help can make a difference.

People May Ask

What is the Serenity Prayer?

The Serenity Prayer is a prayer that asks for the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. It is a popular prayer in many 12-step recovery programs, including Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

Who wrote the Serenity Prayer?

American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr wrote the Serenity Prayer in the 1930s. It was first published in a Christian student newsletter in 1937.

What is the meaning of the full Serenity Prayer?

The Serenity Prayer is a reminder that there are some things in life that we cannot change and that we should not waste our time and energy trying to do so. It is also a reminder that we have the power to change other things in our lives and that we should have the courage to do so. 

Finally, the prayer asks for the wisdom to know the difference between what we can change and what we cannot.