Want To Know About The GamerSupps Lawsuit?

GamerSupps Lawsuit

GamerSupps lawsuit for false advertising by a competitor. The lawsuit claims that GamerSupps’ ads were misleading and violated the law by not providing actual product results. GamerSupps is an energy supplement company whose products provide long-lasting energy, increased endurance, and quicker reflexes to esports gamers. Although it’s true that their claim of “comprehensive performance benefits” is met with logos of professional players in their ads, their results tend to vary among customers. 

Some users experience no changes, while others have reported significant benefits after using the product for three weeks or more. Users report that the Proslogix label makes their product more appealing to laypeople. GameDaily has reported that US consumers are becoming increasingly suspicious of internet claims. They are particularly concerned about false advertising, but if a misleading ad takes advantage of a severe health problem, it can be seen as fraudulent. 

GamerSupps’ logic for why they need to advertise falsely is because they believe that hype attracts customers and hype is only successful if actionable results follow it. Their website encourages users to “use all of your energy to complete multiple, high-value tasks,” but they also warn that users should not expect it to work instantly.

What about GameDaily?

GameDaily has reported that the company dispenses advice on how to use the product, but doesn’t necessarily present it in a positive light. GamerSupps says that using the product more than once daily will likely result in adverse side effects. Although many of its competitors are believed to be based outside US law, GamerSupps’ production is handled in Santa Ana, California. The FDA does not regulate supplements because they are considered food and, thus, are handled by the US Department of Agriculture. 

Although the company mainly makes the product, it is stored at a third-party warehouse and transported to the distributors. GamerSupps lawsuit has sold supplements over the internet since 2010 under various names, including “Pro Suppslogix,” “Proslogix,” “All Natural Supplements,” and more. However, the company was sued for false advertising in 2010 by  Proslogix LLC, a competitor of GamerSupps. In response, GamerSuppres created an alternate version of their product to avoid liability: Proslogix Elite.GameDaily has reported that although Proslogix Elite looks similar to its original version, it features a different label with a less expensive price tag.

Who owns gamersupps?

GamerSupps was created by David Daniel, a former competitive gamer. Before the company began selling supplements, he worked as a model in the fitness industry. The company began as a supplement-only store and progressed to online sales. The online store no longer accepts new members but still sells over the internet on its website through third-party retailers. GamerSupps’ products are distributed via television and print advertisements and ads on social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter.

The lawsuit was filed in San Diego, where GamerSupps has its headquarters. The case has been brought forward by  North Coast Nutritional Distribution Inc., a distributor of dietary supplements.

Gamersupps controversy:

The Gamersupps lawsuit doesn’t only address false advertising but also controversial issues such as the inclusion of amino acids and caffeine in the supplement-only version of the product. In addition, the plaintiff claims their product is misleading in overstating its effects, implying that it prevents or relieves pain and discomfort and treats or cures health problems like drowsiness, headaches, or muscle cramps. 

The company has been caught selling products named “Gamersupps Original,” “Gamersupps Extra Strength,” “Gamersupps Green,” and more. Such variations are considered to be spin-offs to market products for specific demographics. GamerSupps has claimed that they are not guilty of false advertisements because each variation is marketed to different demographics. However, when it comes to their product’s amino acids and caffeine, they claim that their products are not marketed as supplements; therefore, the information here is false.

The lawsuit also claims that Gamer Subs misrepresented the cost of its products on its website by claiming “FREE SHIPPING” or “FREE 2-DAY SHIPPING” when shipping costs were hidden on the website. In addition, the company has claimed that people made a mistake in translating the website from English to Spanish, but it should be noted that there were no English options for shipping costs.

What about jschlatt gamersupps?

The plaintiffs, in this case, have submitted evidence to the court stating that their product does not contain amino acids or caffeine. In addition, the company’s adverts claim that it is “natural and all-natural,” but the fact is that nothing about it is natural. It also claims that people created its original formula by using a strict formula for healthy living, despite being “all-natural” and containing no amino acids. 

The products marketed by GamerSupps do not provide significant health benefits for sports performance compared to other supplements. Although there are even fewer studies that have been performed on GamerSupps than on other supplements, they claim they use a “proprietary blend” of herbs to improve sports performance.

Enlisting Your Lawyer:

Gaming Supps has been accused of deceptive practices, but have we seen them here with their supplements? The company is a significant player when it comes to online media and social media. It has been reported that they have spent over $1 million dollars on marketing and advertising. So, of course, they need to be able to compete with such a significant competitor as GNC. So www, GamerSupps com; look at your next purchase of GamerSupps at GamerSupps com so that it will come from a secure site.

Reason for controversy:

Since GamerSupps lawsuit does not have the same legal status as medicine, it is labeled as a dietary supplement. The FDA does not consider it a drug and thus is not regulated by them. However, due to the increasing amount of fraud in the supplement industry, certain parties are trying to push Congress to make all supplements statutorily regulated. It would mean that they would be treated like drugs and regulated by the FDA, just like alcohol or tobacco products.

The only accurate information about their supplements comes from advertising, and their claims tend to vary between ads. Some of the information they provide is misleading. For example, they claim that their products contain “raw ingredients,” but most of their supplements are not raw, and some don’t come from natural sources. They have also claimed that their product is more effective than others, though it seems unlikely that this is the case because it’s still a supplement, not medicine.

The plaintiffs are asking for a permanent injunction against GamerSupps selling and advertising supplements without valid substantiation for its claims. They are also asking for $10,000 in damages and reimbursement of attorney fees related to litigation costs.


Gaming Supps is a controversial supplement that likes to market its products as all-natural, yet they don’t make any natural products. In this case, the supplement lacks evidence for its claims. Despite this, the supplement is safe and can be considered a healthy snack in small doses. However, they also tend to contain stimulants which can cause unwanted side effects in some individuals, especially if they are not used to consuming them.