Signs Your Period Is Coming Tomorrow: Always be prepared


Signs your period is coming tomorrow: Even worse than your period is the week or two of symptoms many of us endure in the run-up. “Premenstrual syndrome,” sometimes known as PMS, is fairly frequent. Approximately half of all women will suffer from PMS at some point. And while it manifests differently in each individual, PMS is assumed to be caused by the same factor: changing hormone levels during the menstrual cycle.

The signals your period is approaching are not the same for everyone, and they might even vary monthly. PMS symptoms may be a mere irritation for some, but they can be crippling for others.

Let’s look at some of the symptoms your period is on its way to and what to look out for so you don’t run out of your preferred menstruation product.

What exactly is PMS?

Knowing when your period is due might help you manage your menstrual symptoms more effectively. But first, what causes PMS? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists defines PMS as a pattern of mental and physical symptoms that occur regularly (at least three menstrual cycles in a row), interfere with a person’s daily life, and begin five days before and cease four days after a period begins.

“Estrogen and progesterone are hormones that assist in managing our menstrual cycle,” explains Amanda Kallen, MD, associate professor of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Yale University and Flo Medical Board specialist. “These hormones change during the menstrual cycle, with estrogen being the main hormone before ovulation [your reproductive window] and progesterone being dominant after ovulation [the days before your period begins].” “A shifting hormonal balance might lead to PMS symptoms,” she explains.

What are the indicators that your menstruation is approaching?

Let’s look at some of the most typical PMS symptoms, which might signify that your period is on its way.

1. You have acne on your skin.

Have you ever observed that your skin is more prone to breakouts on the days you’re due? Yes, it may be inconvenient. But, if you’re looking for support, you might be interested to hear that more than half of women claim their acne symptoms worsen in the week before their period.

“The increase in progesterone before a period might lead to acne breakouts since it boosts your skin’s production of sebum (oil),” Dr. Kallen adds.

2. Your breasts are sore.

Breasts are often extremely sensitive, if not hurting, in the days leading up to a period. “Breasts might feel uncomfortable and swollen owing to shifting hormone levels,” adds Dr. Kallen. Why? “Estrogen stimulates breast ducts to grow, whereas progesterone causes milk glands to swell.” Both might make your breasts feel rather sensitive.”

Ultimately, it’s critical to understand how your breasts naturally appear and feel. Inspect them ideally in the days after your period’s end, when your breasts are least likely to be swollen and sensitive. Remember that breast soreness before your period is normal; however, if you have worries about your breasts or detect a change, you should visit a doctor.

3. You are experiencing menstrual cramps.

Looking for indicators that your period may arrive tomorrow? Menstrual cramps are an excellent sign. “Period-related stomach pains are most likely caused by prostaglandins, hormone-like chemicals that tell your uterine muscles to contract (leading to uterus lining shredding) during your period,” adds Dr. Kallen. “Those tightening muscles can often cause discomfort to spread to your lower back.”

Some people are more prone to these symptoms in the days leading up to their menstruation. According to one research of over 3,000 women published in the Journal of Women’s Health, individuals who had greater levels of inflammation in their bodies during their monthly flow were more likely to feel cramps and back discomfort.

However, cramping should not be dismissed as a normal feature of having a period. Speak with a health care expert if you are suffering discomfort that prevents you from going about your daily activities. They can assist you in finding strategies to feel better and ensuring that another issue does not cause discomfort. Dr. Kallen explains that “severe lower back discomfort and cramps may be related to an underlying health problem, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids.”

4. You have mood swings.

Have you ever gone from furious outbursts to anxiety attacks, then back to feeling emotionally stable on the same day? If you find that your emotions are more powerful than usual, this might signal that your period is on its way.

Emotional symptoms are linked to hormone fluctuations, specifically a drop in estrogen, which can make us depressed and irritated. “Some patients may be predisposed to PMS owing to underlying mental disorders or hereditary causes,” explains Dr. Kallen.

However, if your PMS symptoms are severe and interfere with your everyday life, you may suffer from the premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a severe type of PMS. This frequently presents as worry or sadness around the time of your period, and you can learn more about the distinctions between PMS and PMDD here.

5. You’re bloated

Bloating is a fully typical, albeit unpleasant, period symptom. “Bloating is caused by changing hormones — for example, excessive amounts of progesterone can impede digestion, resulting in constipation and bloating,” explains Dr. Kallen. “Water retention may also be linked to dietary changes around your period when you’re more prone to seek salty or sugary foods.”

Suppose your bloating symptoms remain after your period has passed. In that case, you should consult a doctor so that any major issues may be ruled out.

6. You’re exhausted.

If you’re feeling tired and not sleeping well before your period arrives, you’re not alone. “Shifting hormones in the days before your period, as well as changes in your brain chemistry,” Dr. Kallen continues, noting that serotonin levels, a brain chemical that impacts mood, generally diminish along with declining estrogen levels.

Tiredness is also an early pregnancy indication due to high levels of progesterone, which plays an important role in the first and second halves of the menstrual cycle. Many early pregnancy symptoms, including cramps, mood swings, breast tenderness, and weariness, are similar to those seen before a period. “If there’s any risk of pregnancy,” Dr. Kallen advises, “take a pregnancy test following a missing period.”

7. Your discharge is clean.

Vaginal discharge fluctuates during your period and is typically a reliable indicator of when your cycle is most fertile. “Your cervix generates more cervical mucus around ovulation, and your discharge may have a raw egg white texture to boost your chances of pregnancy,” adds Dr. Kallen. However, it usually appears different immediately before your period. “You’ll have no discharge, or it may be sticky because this is your least fruitful period.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

My period arrived a week early. What Does This Imply?

Early periods are typical when there has been a lifestyle change or if you have done some vigorous exercise.

Other health disorders that may cause early bleeding include PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), endometriosis, puberty, premenopause, and others.

Is your body temperature rising before your period?

Yes, you will experience fluctuations in core body temperature. While most women’s typical body temperature is 96°-98°F, it rises to 97°-99°F, or approximately 4.5 tenths of a degree higher, during ovulation.

Do you become dry before your period?

A dry vagina is a frequent symptom of women preparing for their periods. There are various medical reasons you may also suffer from a dry vagina.

However, the most common cause is a decrease in estrogen levels, the major hormone that governs this problem.

How Long Should You Be Discharged Before Starting Your Period?

Girls often begin menstruating a year or two after their breasts begin to form.

They may feel white discharge for several months before they begin to bleed. Every month before periods, you may notice some white discharge of different consistency, color, and odor.