Lesser-Known Facts About Textile Cone Snail

textile cone snails

TEXTILE CONE SNAIL – Molluscs are an odd group. They vary in various sizes, forms, and amounts of lethality, ranging from the gentle herbivorous gardening slug to the sophisticated and enormous deep-water squid. 

Conus textile, or perhaps the “textile cone snail”, could possess the much more potent venom currently understood by science. The most deadly ones are cephalopods, such as the blue-ringed octopus or the devil squid.

Overview on Textile Cone snail!

They live on coral reefs, primarily in the Indian Ocean, East Africa, the Red Sea, and the area surrounding New Zealand and Australia. 

These snails, formerly called Gold Cloth snails, have gorgeous golden feather patterns all over them, thus the name “Partridges.” However, these should not be ignored. They are equipped with a dexterous harpoon that can kill humans and has been known to do so in the past.

Interesting Facts!

  • 1. It is among the most poisonous animals on earth.

The textile cone snail, which belongs to the Conidae tribe of cone snails and is the second most dangerous species after Conus geographus, has been reported to kill humans. 

Just one snail’s poison is likely lethal to 700 people.

  • 2. They might be horrifyingly hazardous. 

It’s no joke, this poison! These snails sting quickly; their stingers resemble harpoons and can pierce wetsuits. Quite often, the sting is harmless, but it is followed shortly by paralysis. It occasionally causes discomfort and is accompanied by various additional local and general symptoms. Nevertheless, the fact that most stings are not painful has resulted in an intriguing finding.

  • 3. Their venom may occasionally have the inverse result in certain situations. 

Scientific discoveries frequently have a gory and horrifying component, especially concerning the study of venoms. Scientists frequently administer toxins to certain other animals to explore their possible effects.

  • 4. This snail consumes other snails. 

The snail’s modified radula, essentially whatever a snail employs to eat, makes it deadly. It has a toothy tongue that resembles a plate that your normal garden snail uses to scrape along a leaf’s surfaces and tear off small, edible pieces. This has changed in cone snails into a scary venomous proboscis that can extend nearly the entire length of its body.

  • 5. They mainly hunt by scent. 

They conceal themselves inside the sea bed sediments with only their siphon, which serves as a breathing machine, despite having eye stalks on either side that may look from outside their shell. This is how they scent-hunt.

  • 6. It employs various venoms for defence and hunting. 

Science is making intriguing discoveries thanks to studying the fish-eating cousin C. geographus. Venom is primarily a concoction of tiny proteins with varying effects on various targets.

However, this snail also possesses a reserve venom that, when unleashed in response to threats, is far more deadly and may rapidly kill a human. This tactic is employed by all cone snails, as it is believed that to protect themselves from predators, they evolved a toxic defense system, which allowed snails to kill far larger prey.

  • 7. Researchers are concerned that they could be turned into bioweapons. 

Venoms are primarily composed of proteins, which are composed of amino acid chains. Such chains range from short to long; the shortest ones are found in substances like hormones and enzymes, while the longest ones are found in structural proteins, including keratin. Your fingernail protein, for instance, has almost 550 amino acids connected. Insulin has 51, while the “conotoxins” in snail venom have less than 30.

  • 8. Cone snails are believed to cause fatalities. 

According to a 2004 Nature.com report, about 30 documented cases of humans passing away after being wounded by cone snails. 

It is believed that there are significantly more deaths than reported. 

The most recent occurrence occurred in 2021 when a youngster inadvertently picked up a textile cone snail and almost died. Don’t grab one of those if you see one!


In conclusion, the article has attempted to give you information about the “textile cone snail”. I hope the language in this post is clear and understandable.


Q1) where does a textile cone snail live?

Ans- In shallow seas, the textile cone makes its home inside the sand under coral and rocks.

Q2) what happens if you get stung by a cone snail?

Ans- Besides possible acute inflammatory response symptoms like swelling and redness, cone snail stings can produce mild to moderate pain.

Q3) what is a cone snail used for?

Ans- Cone snails use their insulin to paralyze fish through hypoglycemia shock, brought on by very low blood sugar levels. This makes prey simpler to catch.